Share your story!

Please note that:

  1. The submitted posts will be published after moderation that may take upto 2 days.
  2. Please do not use this page to submit information about your website, product or anything other than your story and experiences as hyperhidrosis patient. Please use the forums to post such content.


Suggested content: Your introduction – age, gender, location, profession etc,, how does hyperhidrosis affect your life, what treatments have you tried, any tips or suggestions.. etc

Please complete the required fields.


Please note that:

  1. The submitted posts will be published after moderation that may take upto 2 days.
  2. Please do not use this page to submit information about your website, product or anything other than your story and experiences as hyperhidrosis patient. Please use the forums to post such content.

We recommend that you register to Hyperhidrosis Network – you can then participate in the forums, and connect with other patients.

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