Hyperhidrosis Network | Twinkle | Activity http://hyperhidrosisnetwork.com/members/twinkle-star/activity/ Activity feed for Twinkle. Mon, 13 Jan 2025 10:18:39 +0000 https://buddypress.org/?v=5.1.2 en-US 30 hourly 2 c7587b5e55b500a7ef3c9e7fd386df0b Twinkle replied to the topic Iontophoresis machines and international voltage in the forum Iontophoresis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/iontophoresis-machines-and-international-voltage/#post-2212 Thu, 31 Jul 2014 22:28:46 +0000 Voltage issue can be settled very easily. Just buy a simple voltage converter that transforms your household’s electrical current into the type that is required by your iontophoresis machine. 🙂

These converters are pretty cheap and can be bought all over the world, so I think you’re set and I wish you best of luck in getting rid of sweaty hands…[Read more]

4740519e51143fefa0b4868af008d6b8 Twinkle replied to the topic Shocks during Iontophoresis treatment in the forum Iontophoresis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/shocks-during-iontophoresis-treatment/#post-2088 Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:26:08 +0000 What is the name of your iontophoresis machine? Usually iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis should be without any shocks, but I don’t understand what you mean by “automatic” iontophoresis… From the way you describe it, it doesn’t sound like any of the devices I heard of. Unfortunately, it’s possible that the device you bought is simply not good, and…[Read more]

a399cfeb4b63c342bcfe529068d095ae Twinkle started the topic Hot Yoga in the forum Alternative Treatment Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/hot-yoga/ Wed, 23 Apr 2014 01:47:28 +0000 Are you practitioning hot yoga of any kind? I would love to share my yoga experiences with another hyperhidrosis patient. 🙂

First some info: Bikram Yoga is probably the most popular type of hot yoga, but it is by no means the only one. Hot yoga is basically any yoga that is being practitioned in a room with high temperature, ideally set at…[Read more]

ab8151f8119f745e9cf29790e123896e Twinkle started the topic Fictional Characters with Hyperhidrosis? in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/fictional-characters-with-hyperhidrosis/ Sun, 29 Sep 2013 06:04:22 +0000 Here’s a strange topic for conversation… but I really am curious. Actually no – I’m desperate to find a piece of fiction where a character has hyperhidrosis. And by that character I mean a protagonist, a hero, a heroine… you get it.

Whenever I encounter a fictional character who sweats a lot (in series, movies, books…) those characters are…[Read more]

f7c00a5310058cd79f01e04094bf931d Twinkle started the topic Interesting Books on Hyperhidrosis in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/interesting-books-on-hyperhidrosis/ Sun, 29 Sep 2013 05:52:43 +0000 Here you can post recommendations for interesting, useful, practical books on hyperhidrosis or (excessive) sweating in general. Post about anything you think is good or resourceful and might come in handy in any way.

I would personally love a well-written interesting book about hyperhidrosis that I could shove into other people’s hands when I…[Read more]

1c76412e818a4a0e00dfe9f5d7afe074 Twinkle replied to the topic Maxim Wipes in the forum Antiperspirants Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/maxim-wipes/#post-1437 Fri, 20 Sep 2013 08:23:27 +0000 This is very useful. Thank you. 😉
I don’t typically feel like using face wipes – and I don’t really need them, but recently I started running in the mornings. (Well to be fair, it’s really slow jogging…) So, my facial sweating got worse, and since I don’t like wearing a headband, I will buy Maxim wipes and hopefully they will reduce my head sweating. 🙂

2c1abc161aec92745a23018ca8d24400 Twinkle replied to the topic Where do you buy these devices? in the forum Iontophoresis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/where-do-you-buy-these-devices/#post-1436 Fri, 20 Sep 2013 07:42:38 +0000 Many places to choose from. Usually you can find standard prices at official websites, and cheaper ones on websites like e-bay if you get lucky. When it comes to official sites, I think this is Hidrex manufacturer website, and this here is Idromed website. Yeah, I hope you can read German lol. Just kidding – you can switch the language to English…[Read more]

ac8298aaea636b1820f5f230db7e5a4a Twinkle started the topic Can one have multiple Iontophoresis treatments simultaneously? in the forum Iontophoresis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/can-one-have-multiple-iontophoresis-treatments-simultaneously/ Sat, 07 Sep 2013 17:23:16 +0000 Having hyperhidrosis in several body areas makes iontophoresis seem like a challenging treatment option, so I wondered if anyone does it? Is it doable in the long run?

If iontophoresis is so great, I would consider buying a device and all necessary accessories. If I do this, can I run iontophoresis to treat hands, feet and underarms…[Read more]

4c31e59033958a3a7fc0e53c67ae4064 Twinkle replied to the topic Hyperhidrosis Medication in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/hyperhidrosis-medication/#post-1325 Sat, 07 Sep 2013 16:41:41 +0000 Oral medication is the right approach for me because I have plantar and palmar and axillary excessive sweating… Pretty general and difficult to treat with antiperspirants and so on.
My main qualm with medication is that it can cause various side effects… What if there’s a reason why some things are only available through prescription? I don’t…[Read more]

6dc89987118126d0f478c8ea72150f38 Twinkle and Lucas are now friends http://hyperhidrosisnetwork.com/activity/p/241/ Sun, 21 Jul 2013 21:57:02 +0000 0 93a40cf880cbbf573ae63789246ae20e Twinkle and Mary-Jane Thompson are now friends http://hyperhidrosisnetwork.com/activity/p/235/ Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:33:00 +0000 0 0c70b3519d65929aeb5f5dacc2bccf3e Twinkle commented on the post, Hyperhidrosis - Clinical Research Opportunity http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/hyperhidrosis-clinical-research-opportunity/#comment-61 Sat, 20 Jul 2013 16:21:03 +0000 Great, looks interesting! 🙂 I was just looking for something like this, lol. 😀

6f91d08cf2ce294450a4ba6fd42bc1b5 Twinkle started the topic Clinical Research in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/clinical-research/ Sat, 20 Jul 2013 16:03:32 +0000 I am interested in participating in clinical research because I have sweaty hands and feet along with sweaty armpits… So, considering the vast number of overactive sweat glands I’d need to block, I can’t afford paying for procedures such as Botox, and I am not sure if it’s worth saving for an iontophoresis machine since they would require…[Read more]

45442fe4cb6c7455bcfc2bee06ab85b7 Twinkle replied to the topic Single forever :( in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/single-forever/#post-1183 Sat, 20 Jul 2013 15:26:22 +0000 Hi Mary-Jane, I’m sorry to hear things are bad for you at the moment. 🙁 Just hang in there and I’m sure you will get better eventually. Try to focus on yourself and not on the break-up, although I understand how two months is not a long time and this will probably still hurt for a while… But I’m sure that you will not be alone for long. ;)…[Read more]

c8373dc4d30d3eac63a94e831b2714a5 Twinkle started the topic Are home-made iontophoresis machines any good? in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/are-home-made-iontophoresis-machines-any-good/ Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:58:15 +0000 Believe it or not, but I never used iontophoresis treatments and many say that they make a decent hyperhidrosis cure. 🙂
Considering that these devices cost hundreds of dollars, I was wondering – is a home-made iontophoresis machine a good choice for a beginner? 😛 I could ask my uncle to help me in putting everything together since he’s good with…[Read more]

8ab4f0c9dd995742ed95923beacd0223 Twinkle replied to the topic Hidrex Iontophoresis Machines in the forum Iontophoresis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/hidrex-iontophoresis-machines/#post-1033 Fri, 12 Jul 2013 05:12:21 +0000 I googled Hidrex and apparently if used with pulsed current, it’s cool for sensitive skin as well, and it can be used to treat underarm sweating along with palmar and plantar sweating. Sounds awesome… I’ve always thought that a iontophoresis machine is only good for sweaty palms and feet. Silly me. :mrgreen:

43a67a6be7fbe97e98aa1b46a15f698d Twinkle replied to the topic Have you tried Iontophoresis? DId it work for you? in the forum Iontophoresis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/have-you-tried-iontophoresis-did-it-work-for-you/#post-1032 Fri, 12 Jul 2013 05:08:30 +0000 Nice to see that iontophoresis is turning out to be a hyperhidrosis cure for many. 🙂

And my story is this…
Thanks to the annoying fact that I have sweaty armpits along with sweaty hands and feet, I’ve always felt iontophoresis will be a huge waste of time for me. Now, the older I get, the more tiring it is to treat excessive perspiration with…[Read more]

8719889f43d73f6bda2fc0318b89b2db Twinkle replied to the topic All-purpose Antiperspirants in the forum Antiperspirants Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/all-purpose-antiperspirants/#post-1003 Tue, 09 Jul 2013 16:23:41 +0000 I use Driclor Roll On for Women on my armpits and sometimes on my hands. I have no idea how it’s different from Driclor for Men lol. 😆
Does baking soda really help you stop underarm sweating? I read about it but somehow it seems too easy or too good to be true. Then again, baking soda seems to be good for a lot of things… It’s like some…[Read more]

30964bdcd808b5355e5b40c2be63d2e0 Twinkle replied to the topic Focal Hyperhidrosis in Several Locations in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/focal-hyperhidrosis-in-several-locations/#post-1002 Tue, 09 Jul 2013 16:16:24 +0000 I have this, too. Sweaty armpits AND sweaty feet AND (somewhat) sweaty hands. And I feel you – it’s not easy keeping excess sweating in multiple body areas under control. Unfortunately I don’t think this is all that unusual – it seems to me that many people with hyperhidrosis actually have focal hyperhidrosis in more than one specific area. It all…[Read more]

912a24cc830ed2c99fdf08c7f01afe3a Twinkle and Ramona are now friends http://hyperhidrosisnetwork.com/activity/p/111/ Fri, 05 Jul 2013 15:58:28 +0000 0 e8ee407e96a0c57966846999197f0aa0 Twinkle replied to the topic Emotions and heavy sweating in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/emotions-and-heavy-sweating/#post-929 Thu, 04 Jul 2013 17:56:54 +0000 Hey Ramona!
Welcome to the club! I in particular feel a little better seeing that I am not the only one whose heavy sweating is heavily influenced by emotions. Although I am not anxious, I understand what it’s like to have your overactive sweat glands freak out as soon as something gets your heart beat faster. That’s SO not fun. 🙁
Cya around! 🙂

92c614bbe349dd28457ba43348d38975 Twinkle replied to the topic Emotions and heavy sweating in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/emotions-and-heavy-sweating/#post-887 Mon, 01 Jul 2013 18:25:08 +0000

I read your story and wonder if your causes of excessive sweating are partly psychological. Please don’t take offense, but maybe it only seems to you that your excitement is normal. Maybe you actually tend to get overexcited when talking to other people.

How do you normally feel around people? Does excessive underarm sweating happen to you e…

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bc566075d0b912b989ec4247932f107a Twinkle replied to the topic Emotions and heavy sweating in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/emotions-and-heavy-sweating/#post-807 Thu, 27 Jun 2013 14:54:49 +0000 Your first advice is good, but not always possible, because I start sweating profusely in the stupidest of situations. For example, often when I talk on the cell phone and walk. The more and louder I talk, the more excited I get and my underarm sweating gets so bad that I must take a shower and change the shirt afterwards. I even happens when I…[Read more]

55a6d7878104e89a8739b2593565735e Twinkle replied to the topic Ideal Diet for Hyperhidrosis in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/ideal-diet-for-hyperhidrosis/#post-795 Wed, 26 Jun 2013 17:18:51 +0000 I have a special policy for spring and summer, since I sweat a lot in warm weather and it only gets worse right after I eat.
I stopped eating sandwiches or big restaurant meals during my lunch breaks. The restaurant near my company’s building also sells smoothies, shakes, fresh orange juice, and so on. I buy 1-2 of these and that gets me through…[Read more]

3daba49c488281031795f5e5421b05ba Twinkle started the topic Emotions and heavy sweating in the forum Hyperhidrosis Forum http://HyperhidrosisNetwork.com/forums/topic/emotions-and-heavy-sweating/ Wed, 26 Jun 2013 17:01:49 +0000 I tend to sweat too much: mostly feet and underarms, moderately palms. I learned to accept profuse sweating in warm weather, during physical activities and in stressful situations, but one thing still frustrates me to no end.

My emotions trigger heavy sweating even when I’m happy! More accurately, when I’m excited. I hate this because it makes me…[Read more]

75b128e19fb5d7d0b6d82f0d84b95971 Twinkle changed their profile picture http://hyperhidrosisnetwork.com/activity/p/19/ Tue, 25 Jun 2013 14:16:22 +0000 0