Hey guys, do you all have any views on using antiperspirants and then in the morning after when we wash our hands – we accidentally touch a chip and eat it? Is there any risk of aluminium poisoning?
Aluminium poisoning risk
hello ross
So far I didn’t encounter that kind of cases but mostly the antiperspirant worries center on the active ingredient — an aluminum-based compound that temporarily plugs the sweat ducts and prevents you from perspiring.
But as what i have read ,this would help you to be aware in using some sort of antiperspirant A few studies in recent years have theorized that aluminum-based antiperspirants may increase the risk for breast cancer.According to the studies, most breast cancers develop in the upper outer part of the breast — the area closest to the armpit, which is where antiperspirants are applied. The studies suggest that chemicals in antiperspirants, including aluminum, are absorbed into the skin, particularly when the skin is nicked during shaving. These studies claim that those chemicals may then interact with DNA and lead to cancerous changes in cells, or interfere with the action of the female hormone estrogen, which is known to influence the growth of breast cancer cells.
i hope this would help. -
In protecting yourself from the toxic effects of aluminum poisoning is taking care to avoid ingesting it or exposing yourself to it through medications, skin care products, and other sources of aluminum contamination. But even with careful avoidance, aluminum is so abundant in the environment and so widely used in contemporary life that increasing amounts of this toxic. Observational studies show that people who ingest more aluminum from drinking water or have a higher geographical exposure to aluminum show greater cognitive decline with time and are at a significantly increased risk of dementia that helps aluminum to be excreted via urine but allows essential metals, such as iron and copper, to stay in the body.