I am suffering from excessive sweating on the underarms. I also have body odor oh it really sucks. But what I am concerned about right now is that I have read that deos and antiperspirant cause breast cancer. Is someone knew about this? I am afraid it was true
Antiperspirants and deodorants can cause breast cancer
Antiperspirants and deodorants contain aluminum. And medical research on whether aluminum causes cancer isn’t clear. Aluminum from antiperspirants may build up in breast tissue after years of use. Aluminum does have the ability to disrupt your endocrine system, but there’s no scientific evidence to show that aluminum from antiperspirants causes breast cancer up to this day.
Because underarm antiperspirants or deodorants are applied near the breast and contain potentially harmful ingredients, several scientists and others have suggested a possible connection between their use and breast cancer. However, no scientific evidence links the use of these products to the development of breast cancer. If you are concerned about your breast cancer risk then go talk to your doctor.
Antiperspirants have aluminum-based compounds that act as plugs within the sweat glands that stop one from sweating excessively.
There are some research that skin may absorb the aluminum due to long term and frequent use of Antiperspirants and may have estrogen-like effects. Estrogen can promote the growth of cancer cells.
As of present date, however, there are still NO evident and confirmed substantial adverse effects of aluminum that could potentially put one person at risk of having breast cancer.
If you are still wary about your health and still afraid you might develop breast cancer, you may look for some Non-toxic Deodorants or Antiperspirants. Find some products that does not contain Parabens. Because Parabens can disrupt hormones and are linked to certain cancers.