Apple Cider Vinegar + Honey + Water

      • Participant
        Jenny-Dale on #1346

        Please don’t laugh… I actually tried this concoction an hour ago. It tasted terrible, but I’m hoping to get some results. The whole apple cider vinegar thing is mentioned here, along with sage tea and some other things that should work, so I guess it sounded legit and I wanted to give it a try. After all, I had the ingredients at home so it was simple enough to give it a go. lol πŸ˜€

        I slightly increased the recommended dose and mixed up two teaspoons of honey with three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into one big glass of water. I will keep this up for the rest of the week – keeping my fingers crossed! πŸ˜€

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        Sean-M. on #1355

        …I’m not laughing! Sounds cool, I know people take apple cider vinegar sometimes in pills, because it is healthy or good for losing weight or what not. No wonder it helps one to sweat less, too.

        Btw I sent you a friendship request. I expect to hear all the details on this “culinary” horror. 😈 :mrgreen:

      • Participant
        Casper-Ghost on #1409

        Sounds very interesting. Any progress with this? I have some apple cider vinegar at home so I might give this a shot.
        Also, can you please tell me if honey is useful in some way, or is it just there to improve the taste? Could some other kind of sweetener be used instead of honey?


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        Regie M on #3590

        Yes, I also take these with warm water.

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        Gloria Samson on #3678

        Yes, apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for excessive sweating. That is because of its astringent properties. Also, when taken internally, it helps balance the body’s pH level.

        Here’s how I do it: I am washing the area that sweats the most and using a cotton ball to rub some apple cider vinegar on it. I leave it on overnight. Then the next morning, I take a bath or shower and then apply some talcum powder or deodorant.

        My friend’s procedure is different, she mixes 2 teaspoons each of organic apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water then drink it once daily on an empty stomach to combat excessive sweating.

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        rochelle on #3772

        As embarrassing as a problem as excessive sweating can be, effective treatments are crucial. Apple cider vinegar honey remedy does work for my excessive sweating. The key is that you have to try it WITH a certain kind of honey. After two days of trying organic apple cider vinegar & raw organic honey I swear my excessive facial & head sweating is WAY better! I am a dance instructor and I have been drinking the Apple Cider Vinegar & water and it’s also helped my dancers’ feet! I drink 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar & 2 teaspoons of raw organic honey the thick kind in 8oz of room temp bottled water about 2-3 times a day.

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        aiza on #3809

        Yes it is effective and there are two ways to use apple cider vinegar for hyperhidrosis—orally and topically. To take it orally, mix 2 tsp. of vinegar and 2 tsp. of honey, and drink it three times per day on an empty stomach. Wait half an hour before eating or sleeping for the best results. For the topical application, apply apple cider vinegar directly on the armpits, hands and feet. Allow it to dry before touching anything. Aside from apple cider vinegar, you may also consider drinking tomato juice, applying talcum powder or cornstarch to the affected area, massage, acupuncture and biofeedback. Not all hyperhidrosis sufferers have the same experiences with the treatments, so trial and error is advised to find the best solution.

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        Russell on #3939

        Hi Jenny,

        Sweating is normal. Our bodies are designed to sweat when we get hot. The moisture meets the air and evaporates, which helps cool the skin. Other sweating can begin with the nerves. When people become anxious or scared, their sweat glands might go into overdrive, releasing more sweat than needed. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for more than five million sweat glands, and two-thirds of them are in the hands. For many people, this condition is genetic. Other causes of hyperhidrosis are menopause, obesity, thyroid imbalance, drugs and alcohol.

        You can try a variety of natural treatments for hyperhidrosis including what you mentioned, drinking apple cider vinegar. Not all hyperhidrosis sufferers have the same experiences with the treatments, so trial and error is advised to find the best solution.


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        Rhay on #4216

        Hi Jenny!

        Try baking soda! It also helps solve the problem of excessive perspiration. It is a natural antiperspirant, which means it can effectively absorb moisture and neutralize body odor, too. Plus, as baking soda is alkaline in nature, it lowers the pH level of the body parts that sweat a lot.

        Here’s the step that might help πŸ™‚

        1. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with enough water to make a thick paste.
        2. Add 3 or 4 drops of an essential oil of your choice.
        3. Apply this to your armpits and other parts of your body that sweat a lot.
        4. Wash it off after 20 minutes.

        Do this a few times a week.

        Alternatively, mix equal amounts of baking soda and cornstarch and store it in a bottle. Dust some of this mixture where you sweat the most. Use it as needed.



      • Guest
        andres on #4565

        I have also used Apple cider vinegar for my excessive sweating. What I did is a mixture of two tsp of non-acidic apple cider vinegar (I personally used Bragg), and two tsp of thick honey daily in three doses. I have used light honey syrup but it did not yield my desired result so I prefer thick honey instead. They can be bought from health food stores or organic section in the supermarket or groceries. I am taking the mixture 30 minutes before meal or before sleeping. Brush your teeth as the sticky honey might not be good for your teeth.

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        Michael Fernandez on #4644


        I agree with Rhay, Apple cider vinegar is better with baking soda. I have started using it recently only. Also I came across some benefits that it does have.

        It seems very useful. And I was told by one of my doctor friend to try it. I suggest you should go ahead and try it.

      • Guest
        Nirin on #4659

        I am Nitin from Mumbai
        facing palmer hyperhidrosis from childhood.
        I am trying Only Apple cider Vinegar with water from last 15 days.
        Will try with honey next time.
        First 3 days was awesome then it started little again.
        So I combine it with basic Meditation with applying boiled Teapowder on palm while lay for Meditation
        It worked.

      • Guest
        Mike on #5081

        Yes, apple cider vinegar is very useful in controlling the problem of excessive sweating and prevents the problem of body odor. What I did before was I applied some apple cider vinegar using a cotton ball over the affected areas.

        I have read on the other site that a regular vinegar will also do. All you need to do is to make a mixture of honey and vinegar in a glass of warm water. It is advisable to drink this mixture two times in a day to get desired results. The mixture acts as an antiperspirant and reduces the problem effectively.

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        dawn on #5411

        Try adding activated charcoal. Activated charcoal, apple cider vinegar and honey taken orally decrease sweat production and diminishes issues. Yes, it works! You need to give it 2 days to get into your system before you notice the difference, then you need to maintain a dosage every day. It is best taken on an empty stomach, but I do not suggest taking it first thing in the morning. Also try sea salt to be applied to the area to decrease sweat production and diminishes odor. Additional options include castor oil, formalin, iodine, liquid chlorophyll, sage fluid extract and magnesium.

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        Hazel on #5529

        I haven’t used apple cider but I used Salt and Lime. You can stop the sweat and make a margarita afterwards. lol

        What I did was mixing a tablespoon of salt with lime juice and massage your hands and any other damp areas.

        I have also tried potato. Sounds weird, isn’t it? No matter how you slice it, the potato can help cut the sweat out. Simply cut slices of potato and rub them under your arms and trouble areas.

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        April on #5769

        As embarrassing as a problem as excessive sweating can be, effective treatments are crucial. Many natural options offer immediate relief from the issue and manage the associated concerns as well. Apple cider vinegar is a famous home remedy for too much sweating and it aids in weight loss, too. Honey is just to taste. πŸ™‚ I would say that it is very effective. Some of those who have been relieved of their excessive sweating using this treatment recommend some brands of organic apple cider vinegar like Bragg’s and Omega Nutrition.

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        Shanty on #6029

        I have read some of the comments on here and I just want to say ‘OMG Me too’ I thought that I was the only person to sweat soo much. But sometimes I feel so crappy that I just don’t want to be near to anyone in case they see. I have to bring a t-shirt or sometimes 2 to college every day so that I can change in the toilets throughout the day, I get so depressed by it, sometimes when everyone is around having a laugh and stuff and all i have to do is keep my arms by my sides and hope the patches haven’t gotten any further. But as i researched further on how to reduce or stop this embarrassed sweats i found out that One of the most impressive lists health benefit providers is the apple cider vinegar. This is very helpful in regulating blood sugar, it relieves heartburn and acid reflux and even aids in weight loss, when putting directly to the skin. Also it acts as an astringent to help remove bacteria and close up pores. Everyday i Rub apple cider vinegar on your sweaty areas by the use a cotton ball. Leave it on overnight and wash it off in the bath or shower in the morning. In a glass of water mix two teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar and honey. Drink it once per day on an empty stomach. Within a few days the drying effects occur. I recommend you to try this.

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        Ryder on #6855

        The first step for anyone with any type of excessive sweating is to see a doctor for a full medical check-up including an assessment to make sure that excessive sweating is not due to another medical condition or a side effect of a medication. When extreme sweating is due to a different medical condition or a medication it’s called secondary hyperhidrosis. Secondary hyperhidrosis can signify a more serious health problem and so should always be considered first. Be a healthy observer!

      • Guest
        Raizen on #7019

        Ryder – They are healthy observer, infact, apple cider vinegar is considered healthy. Not only as hyperhidrosis treatment but also in losing weight πŸ™‚

        Shanty – Nice to hear it works for you, too.

        Hazel- What’s with the potato?

      • Guest
        Tina on #7277

        I suffer from excessive facial sweating for a number of years, went to the dermatologist they put me on Pro-Banthine tablets however it stopped my sweating but it left me with a constant dry mouth which became a problem of its own.
        So stopped.
        Tried the apple cider concoction but then developed acid burn which worsened each time I drank it but didn’t really help with the sweating.

        Is anyone tried the apple cider tablets?
        Is that helped anyone?

      • Guest
        Diana on #7341

        I searched to determine why I STARTED to sweat profusely right after drinking 2 T ACV w/honey and water. This claims the opposite. I’m still sweating 15 minutes later. Why would ACV cause sweating? Thank you. I can’t see what I’m typing. Hopefully it makes sense.

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        jumpinjackson on #7576

        did it work?

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        Viki on #7821

        Does anyone else get this mostly in hair and on the scalp? My hair gets soaked like I’m just out of the shower. Could I add tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar to a shampoo? I’m going to start ingesting vinegar today and see what happens but so many have you said to apply to area and I’m thinking if how to do that.

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        sophia on #7828

        Hi! I hope this helps to someone out there who is experiencing this problem! I have a sister who sweats her hands a lot. Even though she’s just at home watching television, her hands would become sweaty. We tried to search for articles about it. And one remedy that keeps on popping is the use of the apple cider vinegar. She used the vinegar as a wash. It is said to use it overnight. But sometimes she would use it during daytime. So far, the excessive sweating of her hands seems to subside. Apple cider vinegar truly is a multi-functional and effective remedy for treatment to numerous health issues.

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        Skye Mills on #8674

        I’ve used acv on my armpits I wash with it twice a day and I seen results within the first two days of using this natural method I’ve starting drinking acv as well with munuca honey and I feel and smell amazing also no sweating so relieved after trying antibiotics and going to see my doctor I have found a natural remedie to treat the problem thank you google for suggesting acv πŸ™‚

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        Mohammed Harbain on #11584

        Apple cider vinegar can assist in balancing the pH level of the body particularly armpits and feet, and this in turn reduces sweating. There are a few different ways that one can use ACV to eliminate problem sweating. If you suffer from focal hyperhidrosis (which means that the excessive sweating is limited to a particular part of the body e.g. hands) then you can simply apply ACV to the affected area before you go to sleep. For sweaty feet you can soak your soles in a solution made from half a cup of ACV combined with a litre of cold water. Soaking for approximately 15 minutes will reduce perspiration. If the problem is more generalised, then you are better to consume apple cider vinegar by mouth. Simply add 1-2 tablespoons to a glass of water with two teaspoons of honey (to sweeten) and consume on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

      • Guest
        Jules Clonts on #24921

        Hello. There are many natural remedies to treat hyperhidrosis that are already available in our households. Some uses Chamomile Tea, Sage Tea, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Baking Soda.
        Organic Apple cider vinegar not only help reduce excessive sweating but it also neutralizes the environment in your armpit and feet area and destroys bacteria that causes the unpleasant odor. Use Apple cider vinegar twice daily to help prevent accumulation of bacteria in your armpits and feet. For best result, use cotton balls and dip it in a small bowl of ACV and apply in your palm, feet or armpit and leave it overnight. Don’t worry about the strong smell of the Apple Cider Vinegar, it will just go away after few minutes.

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        Grace Wilson on #28033

        Apple cider vinegar really act as a food to help hyperhidrosis. Apple cider vinegar provide many health benefits such as closing the pores to help with excessive sweating if applied directly to the skin. Apple cider vinegar, when used on the skin, can form a thin coating that helps pores stay closed. It also helps remove bacteria commonly found in sweat which also helps to eliminate body odor.
        I use Apple Cider Vinegar at night after cleaning my underarms. I use cotton balls and gently apply. I leave it overnight for better result. Just don’t forget to take a shower in the morning to wash of the ACV. I also drink Apple Cider Vinegar. I just add two tablespoon in my sage tea and honey. It can also help reduce excessive sweating when taken internally.

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