Baby powder and sweat stains

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        Leonard-Slate on #1233

        A big part of my excess sweating is centered on my upper body and I have problems keeping the stains off my shirts. Antiperspirants help to a point, but eventually I always end up with wet, sweaty armpits. Trying to figure out how to stop underarm sweating, I heard that baby powder can help with this – especially if antiperspirants aren’t enough, so I bought the first baby powder I found.
        I apply it after antiperspirant dries off and while baby powder doesn’t stop armpit sweat from generating, it somewhat reduces the stains.
        Sadly, “wet” baby powder is uncomfortable on the skin. Do you have some brands to recommend? Maybe they will work better.
        (Any other help on how to stop armpit sweat stains is also welcome.)

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        Casper-Ghost on #1234

        Well, baby powder isn’t supposed to stop underarm sweating – or any kind of excess sweating – but only stops your sweaty skin from being sticky. As you probably noticed, your shirts now shouldn’t stick to your wet skin as much as before – which results in less sweat stains.
        About brands, I think Gold Bond Powder is a good one.

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        Doreen-Weavers on #1235

        Just make sure to buy cornstarch powder and not talcum powder. Talcum can be easily inhaled and has even been connected to some other health risks (like cancer). I don’t know if both are equally effective with excessive perspiration, but I’d go with cornstarch in any case.
        Or you can use baking soda, I never used it but it’s said to be good way to stop underarm sweat. Add sweat pads on top of that, and hopefully you’ll stop the stains.

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        Leonard-Slate on #1291

        I’m a bit late with this reply, but thanks guys!

        Hmm I didn’t know that about cornstarch vs. talcum powder. Sounds nasty. 😯 I’ll make sure to buy the right one in the future.

        Anyway for the time being I focused on applying antiperspirants on my underarms. I use baby powder, but mostly on my back to keep my shirts from sticking to my skin.

      • Participant
        Sean-M. on #1356

        Greetings..! I’d hate to be that person, but… Why don’t you simply use sweat pads? You know, underarm sweat pads that you just set to soak up your sweat and keep your armpits from staining everything. I mean, isn’t that much MUCH more effective than trying to soak up the sweat with baby powder? =D

        *captain obvious steps out* 😳

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