Why Do I Have Bad Sweat Breakouts After My Second MiraDry Treatment?

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        Leny Call on #4067

        I’ve been reading a lot of positive responses on MiraDry Treatment for hyperhidrosis so I decided to undergo treatment myself. I know that after receiving the first or second treatment the sweating will not completely go away. My first treatment eliminates about 80% of sweating so I consider the second treatment. However, after my second treatment in April 2016, there are times when I have sweat breakouts like I had prior to any MiraDry treatments, sometimes even worst. Is this normal? What is happening? How can I remedy this? The clinic where I undergo the treatment had great success with Miradry procedure, as the reviews have said.

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        Mayelm on #4104

        Sorry to hear about your less than optimal results from miraDry treatments so far. MiraDry has been shown to reduce armpit sweating by approximately 86% in the majority of patients. It seems that you may be one of the few patients who unfortunately does not respond to that degree. Miradry continues to be a powerful tool for hyperhidrosis but there are cases in which breakthrough sweat can occur and if this is the case, you may need an evaluation for a third Miradry treatment or Botox.

        Here is the truth…. 90% of patients only require 2 treatments, 5-10% may require 3.
        Depends on lots of things, including the settings used (1-5), anxiety levels of patients, and any predisposing conditions to sweating- drugs, toxins, and diseases such as thyroid disease.

        You should be investigated for the above, and consider a third treatment at a higher setting, providing your armpit area is suitable for a higher level.

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        Vicky on #4415

        I am sorry that you are still bothered by severe sweating.

        Here are my insights:

        Under the newest protocol, miraDry patients tend to have an average of 80% reduction in sweating with one treatment. However, for the heaviest sweaters, an 80% reduction means that they are still going to have noticeable sweat. Furthermore, the amount of sweat is vastly reduced thus, allowing them to be much more functional.

        Under older protocols, including treatments performed in the year 2012, not everyone was able to have the most optimal treatment. With optimizations of how the area is numbed, virtually every person receives the most aggressive treatment. This means that treatments today are more effective than treatments four years ago.


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        Jane on #5200

        It may not be accurate to say that some patients have sweating return 100% after treatment. When a starch iodine test is performed, it becomes clear that there are distinct areas of dryness and of perspiration. What some people perceive as 100% return, may not be accurate. Some patients, especially true hyperhidrosis patients, will likely require more than one treatment. A small percentage of treated patients may still experience sweating after 2 treatments because their sweat producing glands simply lie outside of the treatment depth. Hopefully in the near future a new advancement in treatment protocol will make it possible for even these patients to have significant reduction.

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        sylvie on #6882

        I have dark underarms, it gets worse when I have just finished working out, or playing a sport, it gets darker. I have tried several treatments, and a whole range of deodorants that only worked for a while. I have been to my dermatologist and he suggested I go remove my glands under my arms or have a miradry treatment and I will be sweat free, but I fear what the info has states in the above article. I really don’t know what to do, as many people tell you to do one thing and then you get the rest saying you should not.

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        Kenneth on #7558

        Sorry to hear that no-so-good experience about Miradry but as far as I know, MiraDry is the only FDA-approved procedure that offers long-lasting results for excessive sweating. Some studies demonstrate that results lasts up to two years and are likely permanent as our sweat glands do not regenerate. But since you had a bad experience in Miradry, the next best thing for me is Botox. Botox injections also work to help decrease sweating, however, results are most temporary as injections need to be repeated every four to six months with Botox effects wearing off near the end of that time frame.

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        Sara rosenthal on #7709

        Miradry does not work long term at all. I had two procedures and I still sweat in periods. I also have nerve damage. DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT PEOPLE TELL YOU! YOUR NERVES WILL REGENERATE AND YOU WILL START TO SWEAT AND SMELL AGAIN! I can promise this. Telling people there is no compensatory sweat is a lie. You are not eradicating the sweat glands; in essence you are causing nerve damage to disrupt the sweat glands. You don’t absorb your glands like people think. Most people’s nerves will regenerate causing your original symptoms to return. Miradry should be sued for false advertisement.

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        Nikole on #7903

        I have had Mira dry done twice and i still sweat a lot .

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        Christopher on #9534

        Hi, it is possible your sweat glands are either too deep or too superficial to be reached by the miraDry pulses! That’s probably the reason. Under the MiraDry protocol, the treatment gives patients an 80% reduction in their sweating with just one treatment. However, for patients suffering from extreme hyperhidrosis, an 80% reduction means that they are still going to have noticeable sweating. To this day, every patient can receive the most aggressive treatment possible, which means treatments performed today are more effective than treatments five years ago. So you may want to consider repeating the treatment using the more aggressive protocol.

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        Jean T on #10814

        Hey, “it’s normal” that immediately after a treatment there will be no sweat at all in the treated area. However, after 2 to 3 weeks some sweating will return. This change in sweating output is due to post-treatment swelling and its dissipation.

        The amount of long-term sweat reduction achieved via miraDry treatment depends on the patient’s body reaction. On average for hyperhidrosis patients, after two treatments, sweat is reduced by about 82%. Some patients may need to undergo third treatment for best results. But before a third treatment, a healthcare professional should conduct a simple starch iodine test to determine where the remaining sweating is coming from as some patients may have “resistant” glands.

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        Anshul Gambhir on #11938

        Thank you for your message! Unfortunately there is a rare percentage of people that do not respond to the procedure. Most patients only require one treatment, though some benefit from 2 or 3 treatments. It is possible your sweat glands are either too deep or too superficial to be reached by the miraDry pulses! I would recommend a consultation with a provider in your area for further information or to consider supplemental modalities such as Botox under the arms!

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        Clark on #27677

        That is normal based on my experience, and after the third session I am totally sweat-free.

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