Best oral medication for sweating for Hyperhydrosis

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        james daniels on #4874

        Hey guys,

        What is the best oral medication you have used for sweating?
        I am particularly interested in the best Anti-cholinergic you have used

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        hannah on #5189

        I've experienced hyperhidrosis for 16 years and it has deeply affected me. My main areas of concern were my hands, underarms and feet which made me very insecure until recently. I thought i'd never find a cure but i've 95% cured my sweating (I still sweat on my face and back a bit when it's hot or when i'm nervous). Like i've read so many success stories wishing I was like them and tried so many products until my dermatologist prescribed me oxybutynin. This has helped me so much. There are side effects which can vary from person to person. It gives me a dry mouth and face but they are only small concerns which can easily be managed with drinking water and wearing moisturiser. I take it twice a day and that stops my sweating.
        Hope that helps.

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