I’ve had and suffered from hyperhydros for as long as I could remember. As others mentioned I found ways to cope with it. I did op for ETS 10 years ago and it’s worked wonders for my hands, and it has really changed my social life.
The above took care of my hands, however I also have serve hyperhydrosis on my feet. I’ve tried Botox (very painful), drysoul and neither of the two has worked. Ive gone ahead and purchased a Hidrex DVP1000 and have been using it for two weeks straight and somewhat have had sucess. I can now walk around the house with leaving sweat marks everywhere. However once I put shoes on the game changes and I start to sweat, not right way, but the sweat does come on. It’s so bad that the sweat marks can be seen on my sock above my shoes. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong here but here is my routine.
20 mins at 40volts for the last three days.
Prior to that it was 20 mins at 35 volts. I used warm tap water, and fill it to cover my toes. I’ve keep my right foot on the red anode side the entire process.
Am I doing something wrong…?