Hello everyone,
I suffered from sweaty palms and sweaty feet but my sweaty palms are terrible! I decided to go for surgery to eradicate my problems once and for all. Had tried topical lotions but to no avail. So I found this forum while doing research on ETS. I had read about all the HORROR stories on the ETS, and I was really contemplating on the surgery.
I had so far visited 2 doctors. The one propose a surgery of burning of both T2 & T3. He claims only burning of T3 is not effective, and if he was to burn only one, he will burn only T2. But he say according to his standard operation protocol, he will still burn both T2 n 3. He agrees that one will not sweat above nipple line after surgery, but he did not received any complaints from patients regarding issues from doing that. The only issue is compensating sweating which will increase slightly in other areas.
The second doctor, on the other hand, propose only burning of T3. He claim by doing so, it will just stop sweating on the palms. No issue with sweating nipple line and above. This seem like a solution to the problems!
If anyone that have an operation with only burning of T3, Please share your own story so as to help me decide which one I will undergo through.
Many thanks in advance.