Excessive sweating

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        Anis Eric on #3966

        I have always had hyperhidrosis from when I was a kid. Now it has reached to a point that I cannot sleep well at night because of it. I just get irritated because of this problem. For many years it has been relatively light and centred around my arm pits. However over the past 4 years it has got progressively worse. I have been thinking of getting the botox treatment(http://www.med-aesthetics.com/cosmetic-botox/ ) from any nearby clinic like the Med-aesthetics in Brampton. Actually I am most interested in hearing about other people’s experiences. If you did it please let me know how effective it was, did you suffer any bad consequences, and how long did the effects of the treatment last?

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        carl on #6515

        I am a 16 year old boy, and i am suffering from excessive sweat underarms. A couple of months ago I complained to both of my parents that it won’t stop , and i cant even wear any of my favorite clothes out in the public. I even busted out crying in front of them and told them about my condition. So later that week I went to see my doctor and told her about my problem., and she recommended something like “Drysol” that has a high aluminum chloride, or a type of deodorant with 20% of aluminum chloride she also recommend “Botox” or “surgery”. For now i am thinking about it.

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        MichaelSip on #7775

        Hello everyone.

        I dont know if any of you also have excessive sweating, but its my case.
        The hardest thing is to deal with sweaty palms. Its hard to know if my anxiety is caused by my sweat problem, or if its the opposite.
        I saw some solution like Drionic or Iontoderma and was wondering if any of you have every tried?
        I tried using special creams like Carpe, but it did not work for me.
        Any help would work.

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