Facial HH following botox in armpits

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        Andy on #6942

        Hi All

        apologies if this has been posted anywhere else, but after suffering from HH in the armpits for years in my teens and early adult hood, i decided to have botox in my armpits.

        I ended up having 2 courses of this and felt great as it really worked…


        shortly after, i found that this now seems to have spread to my face. Which feels so much worse as i can’t even find this one! i was hoping that the botox would wear out eventually and go back to normal but even now several years later (5-6) i rarely sweat from my armpits still and my main sweat areas seem to start with my face!

        Has anyone noticed this before? i thought i would never say this at one point, but i sooo wish i would sweat more from my armpits now! 🙁

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