Fictional Characters with Hyperhidrosis?

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

      • Participant
        Twinkle-Star on #1475

        Here’s a strange topic for conversation… but I really am curious. Actually no – I’m desperate to find a piece of fiction where a character has hyperhidrosis. And by that character I mean a protagonist, a hero, a heroine… you get it.

        Whenever I encounter a fictional character who sweats a lot (in series, movies, books…) those characters are always minor, and their sweating problems is typically treated as something negative and gross. This irks me to no end.

        I would love LOVE a piece of fiction where the main detective, or a romance heroine or a knight, or a college professor (really, which ever stream or genre you prefer), suffers from hyperhidrosis and is a hero of the story nonetheless.

        Is there anything like that? 🙁

      • Participant
        Paulo-Santos on #1518

        Well, I believe one of the most known is the movie “Airplane” scene where the pilot washes away in sweat has he feels the pressure of landing everybody safely.

        But check this link for the “Top 10 sweat drenched sceneson film”.

        Also, for those that understand portuguese, I invite you to visit the Suor.PT website ate

        PauloTop Ten Sweat-drenched Scenes on Film

      • Guest
        Welchfack on #2809

        Thank you for your forum post.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic.

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