Get this prescription from your doc it may work for you too!

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        sweaty no more! on #3045

        I have been suffering from hyperhidrosis since puberty hit, so I can remember dealing with it as far back as Grade 5. I am 33 now and a sales rep so you can imagine how delightful it is shaking people’s hands all day when they are a soggy mess. I have been so self conscious of my hyperhidrosis that I have tried topical treatments, ionphoresis machines and nothing seemed to work. I looked into the surgery a couple of years ago and again looked into it this year because I was fed up but reading all of the possible side effects and going under the knife in general scared me.

        I decided to go to my doctor again (last year I tried a medication but it didn’t make a difference). This time my doctor prescribed me: Oxybutynin Chloride starting with a low dose and eventually going up to 1 pill twice a day. I have been on this medication since May 2015 and living in a humid climate during the summer all I can say is WOW I have never had a summer like this where I don’t think twice about shaking someone’s hand or wearing cute shows and clothes and not worrying about sliding out of my sandals or having big pit stains. This medication totally worked for me and it may not work for everyone but it is worth a try right? That’s why I decided I needed to share this on this website because like a lot of you I trolled the internet looking for solutions to my sweating. I hope it works for at least a few of you out there. 🙂

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        Shaira Mae on #3635

        Hi Sweaty no more, do you think it is available via OTC?

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        Brian on #3811

        I’ve had hyperhidrosis since early 20s. All my body is affected but my feet are the worst. In the past I had to change shoes every 2-3 months because they started smell from my feet. I was also really ashamed when shaking hands because mine were constantly wet. I have tried many things but nothing worked. Then someone told me to use Oxybutynin and it changed my life. I only take one tablet at night as higher dose makes me drowsy and my mouth gets too dry. This is enough to stop my body sweating, however not enough for my feet; but this is a compromise. Feel like I was given a new life.

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        Japanland on #4288

        I have sufferered from Hyperhidrosis since i was a child. Playing outside in summer i was always drenched in sweat. As a child i never paid much attention to it. As i got older and the need for shaking hands when you meet someone for the first time, and upon every time meeting after that. Becoming romantically involved with someone and the holding hands begin. Or shaking coworkers hands, customers hands, using hand tools. I started noticing my condtion and became more and more self contious about it. I started avoiding social situations because of all the hand shaking and horse playing that would be expected. I didnt want to be there with my hands sweating, arm pits and my face. HH makes me so uncomfortable being anywhere without constant AC blowung on me. Last summer was disasterous. I tried drysol before bed every night for almost a month with no relief. So i bought a iontopheresis machine. Treatments were irregular due to the excrutiating pain resulting from little cuts or knicks on my hands that i would get while working and i had to stop the treatmenta. This summer was even worst so i started doing more reasearch and read about antichlorigenics and ordered oxybutynin and WOW what a relief. I take 5mg before bed on a empty stomach and 5mg in the morning about a hour before i eat. Its safe to say i’ve never felt this happy, completly dry all over my body. Its like i was living my life inside my head before. Always worrying about my sweating and thinking how much i will miss out on life because this condition makes being social and outgoing almost impossible. A day after feeling the dry effect of this medicine a coworker that i would always find excuses not to hang out outside of work because of my sweating invited me to hang out. I just upped and went no hesistation, I met her sister and the sisters fiance, shook both their hands with a level of cinfidence i have never experienced before. Before i would think about who else would be there and how much i would be sweating and weather or not they notice. I would spend more of the time just waiting for the day to be over so i could run back to my apartment and sit under the AC. For the first time ever I felt completly comfortable in my own skin. We went to a Soccer game, i was cheering the whole time, my hands up in the air with no pit stains. I was hi fiving everybody with dry palms for the first time. Now I take long walks home after work while observing the nature around me, sit and read outside for hours without being drenched in sweat. My anxiety levels have fallen to almost zero. Anyone with HH looking for relief should give this mesicine a try. The only side effect is my through is a little dry. Buts its tolerable.

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