Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        JP on #7210

        Hi. I am 35, male, and I have suffered with HH my whole life (like, literally since I was too young to remember). It’s affected my whole life, always holding back, struggling with things as a child like swapping Playstation control pads etc, then moving onto the dreaded handshakes, parties, wearing coloured clothing etc. Now, fast forward, I’m 35, a social recluse, unable to have a relationship, I wear black t-shirts everyday, avoid social interactions, my family, life in general. I’m so, so close to throwing myself off a motorway bridge because I absolutely. totally hate myself and my life because of this. I’m here out of desperation. I can’t live like this, but it’s either suicide or more of the same. Any words of advice? Thanks. JP

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        Nina on #7343

        Hi JP,

        I suffer from Hyperhidrosis too since I was 12 or maybe even before that. At first it was only my underarms and later on I started to have it on my whole body. I think my emotions triggered the generalized Hyperhidrosis.
        Today I am 26 years old and struggle so hard.
        I’m not writing to you with a perfect solution but to tell you, you are not alone. I know how hard life can be with this « disease ». I know it can be more than complicated to get out of your house and just live a normal life.
        My condition got so worse this year that I even decided to quit my job. I try to go out with friends and hide as much as I can the fact that my body is covered in sweat.
        I too wear only black shirts and have been called a goth during my teen years. 10 years ago, black wasn’t such a cool color to wear. And I would dream to wear colored shirts or white, or even grey !
        I can never really wear what I want.

        I can recommend one thing that kinda worked for me, glycopyrrolate. It’s an anticholinergic medicine. You can easily order it from It’s a Canadian pharmacy. If you place an order they will shortly contact you to inform you on the product and how it is used. You can then confirm your order. Don’t worry, it’s a safe site. You can either try oral or topical. I used oral and will soon try topical.
        I don’t use it everyday because it does have some side effects like dry mouth, sore throat or blurred vision and it’s a strong medecine. Also, I don’t know the long term side effects and I’m not a doctor so I am cautious.
        When I know I’m going out and will be sweating a lot, I take it and it does work. It changed my life. Having warm and dry hands seemed almost impossible but it is now.

        But honestly, what I really want is to find a natural solution. I’ve tried some like lavender essential oil or sage and none of them have effect on me. I’ve read on the internet that maybe if you manage to make your body sweat a lot at once, you might decrease your sweat over the day. So some recommend to take a bath with epsom salt. I will try it shortly. I’ve also heard that drinking water can help your body sweat less. I almost never drink water so I’m thinking it’s possibly related. Apparently fresh tomato juice can help as well. But one that works really well and is rapidly effective is witch hazel. I will definitely try this one. You can either apply it on your skin or put some in your bath.

        It’s sad to say that we don’t have really effective solutions and they say only 3% of the world population is affected. I live in Switzerland and I’ve seen a couple of doctors, psychologist, psychiatrist, tried accuponcture, hypnosis but none have worked for me, no explanation and no solution. Unfortunately here in my country no one takes this problem seriously and I often get responses like “are you sure it’s not because the weather is too hot ?” Or even worse “oh don’t worry about sweating, it’s a normal reaction and it means you are in good health”. I just want to kill these people who have no compassion for me and do not understand how hard it is. People don’t take me seriously and it’s hard not to quit on everything.
        But talking about this around me made me realize there are a lot more people who suffer from this than we think. Maybe one day doctors will understand this is a “serious” condition and it needs a solution. Because I’m sure there is, they just don’t bother finding it because we are only 3% to suffer from it.

        I know how hard your situation might be, but please keep having hope. I too sometimes have dark thoughts like this but I think life is too beautiful to be missed. We WILL find a solution. And the day we finally do, we should scream it out loud to help others like us.

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