Hidrex PSP1000

Posted In: Iontophoresis Forum

      • Guest
        Laurie on #2770

        I have noticed that the current seems to be stronger on one of the aluminum plates (the one that is connected with the red cord), which leaves a stronger sensation on one of my hands while I am treating them. Is that normal?

      • Guest
        Chris L on #2922


        Yes, that IS normal. Although current is the same in both cables, you will FEEL the current more, and the EFFECT is stronger in the red anode (positive) cable than the black cathode (negative) cable.

        This does allow the hand (or foot) being treated by the red cable to get “more effective” current and therefore go through the initial treatment phase quicker.

        In the long run when you are in the maintenance treatment phase, it does not really make a difference, but you can alternative hands (or cables) in the initial stage to have a more even treatment and help both hands reach effectiveness quicker together.

        I hope that makes sense!


      • Participant
        hidrexconnect on #2923


        Yes, that IS normal. Although current is the same in both cables, you will FEEL the current more, and the EFFECT is stronger in the red anode (positive) cable than the black cathode (negative) cable.

        This does allow the hand (or foot) being treated by the red cable to get “more effective” current and therefore go through the initial treatment phase quicker.

        In the long run when you are in the maintenance treatment phase, it does not really make a difference, but you can alternative hands (or cables) in the initial stage to have a more even treatment and help both hands reach effectiveness quicker together.

        I hope that makes sense!


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