Are you practitioning hot yoga of any kind? I would love to share my yoga experiences with another hyperhidrosis patient. 🙂
First some info: Bikram Yoga is probably the most popular type of hot yoga, but it is by no means the only one. Hot yoga is basically any yoga that is being practitioned in a room with high temperature, ideally set at 40°C. The air should also have high moisture level.
I like to joke that it’s like doing yoga in a tropical rainforest, two experiences for the price of one, lol. 🙂
Why am I even writing about this? Well, I have a notable case of palmar, plantar and axillary hyperhidrosis. This means that for years, I’ve been dreading any type of exercise (especially in public!), because my sweating was so embarrassing.
The thing with hot yoga is – there, EVERYBODY sweats! Big time! And in these circumstances, my excessive sweating doesn’t stand out – in fact, I’m like everyone else there. Of course, some sweat more, some sweat less, but overall, heavy sweating is a norm during hot yoga classes.
In a nutshell, it’s a perfect activity for hyperhidrosis patients. 🙂 I am really happy I found a good studio in the area, and I already made some great friends there. And the best part – I usually sweat less for hours after my yoga class. 🙂