My underarm sweat has an unpleasant odor. I am really conscious about it to the point that I am avoiding any social activities because I worry about sweating in front of others. I am scheduled to undergo MiraDry treatment next week. I am really nervous but excited about the result. Is there anyone here who can tell me how should I prepare myself to ensure I will be getting a positive experience? What should I wear? Do I need to bring anything? Can I go back to my normal activity after the procedure? And what should I expect during the procedure and the level of pain?
How do you prepare yourself for the miraDry procedure?
I took ibuprofen prior to the procedure so I don’t feel any soreness at all. I also have small size plastic water bottles in the freezer to use as ice packs following the procedure. After the procedure I avoided vigorous activity for about one week.
Just remember to shave both your underarms or they will shave them for you right before the procedure. This may lead to some discomfort or irritation so it is preferable for you to shave yourself. In my case I also wear tank top, sports bra and camisole. I brought a portable music player and ear phones to listen to during the procedure.
I am a 38-year old male who has suffered from excessive underarm sweat for over 10 years. I have put in a lot of work to disguise, cover, or otherwise hide my sweat. I had essentially decided to live my life just dealing with my sweat until I heard about a new procedure called miraDry. So I had an appointment, but haven’t done any preparation except shaving six days before the procedure. After the procedure I started icing my armpits immediately. It was not overly swollen, but I was told by many recipients to take Ibuprofen and to ice early and often, every time I feel I need to do it.
I remember I shaved about three days before the procedure and I wore sports bra on the day. I noticed immediate decrease in sweating and odor after my first treatment. But I have some mild discomfort also that lasts for weeks. Overall it was a good experience and proven effective.
Basically shaving armpits four or five days before the appointment and then let the hair grow until the scheduled procedure is recommended. This protocol minimizes any minor cuts in the underarms.
After the procedure, immediately ice the treated area using towel-wrapped ice packs and use non-prescription anti-inflammatory medication, most people take ibuprofen, to reduce swelling. Also keep the treated area clean and apply an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.
It is also best to wait for a few days before resuming rigorous exercise and activity and be sure to wear loose fitting tops to avoid underarm irritation for the next few days.