I suffered from HH for nearly twenty years..
I wanted to share my story as within the last ten days my HH is now finally under control…
It was all about how I controlled my breathing. Yes the thing we take for granted. The thing we don’t get trained to do.
Ive had ETS surgery and own my own Iontophoresis machine…but none of these actually get to the route cause. The ETS surgery stopped the sweating from my forehead and just pushed the problem to another part/parts of my body.
The iontophoresis machine was just a pain to use and whilst you use it you feel like a failure. It’s not exactly a pleasurable experience.
I also tried special deodrants, sage tea etc etc etc etc….
ive suffered in silence and now I know I can control it im so happy.
In my experience what makes it worse is the day when someone notices you are sweating. The start of the condition grabbing hold of you and making you feel insecure. You start avoiding situations you may end up sweating in – parties, business meetings etc…. You then are always in FIGHT or FLIGHT mode…. And its not the place you want to be.
Drinking ice cold water trying to calm your body down is again just another “band aid”…. Wearing vests in the summer , using hand dryers in the toilets etc is not helping you eradicate it from your life.
I truly believe that HH is curable but you need to get to the route cause. In my experience it was my nervous system that I just didn’t know how to control. This may not be the case for lots of other people but I now feel much better about myself. I used to ask the question – why me? Why do I sweat like this? It makes you angry and hopeless 24/7.
Yoga / and making sure you breathe properly has been my saviour.. Im now dry as a bone! I now don’t feel helpless or angry I feel like a new man…. There is so much free information out there about breathing and controlling your anxiety. Don’t try and put a band aid on things, get to the route cause and you will also be dry!
It might take time for you to adapt the way you breathe but please stick with it. It will help you I’m convinced.
I hope this message can help other people overcome their problem.