I’m in my late 20’s and have suffered with HH for most of my life. It’s become more extreme over the years and I sweat particularly bad on my face, head and neck.
Simple tasks such as going shopping or walking somewhere can cause my hair to become drenched in sweat even on a cold day. I take propatheline but I find that this makes my mouth too dry, it gives me a headache and eye ache and bad breath. I still take it despite these side effects but I know this isn’t a long term solution and worry that I’m damaging my insides by using it. It’s also not 100% effective every time I use it.
Having this condition has caused me to not apply for jobs which require time away from a desk (as I need a fan!) and I’ve also never been on a date with a guy because I can’t bear the thought of excessively sweating in a pub/restaurant or walking somewhere. It’s like my life is passing me by because it’s made me such an introvert.
My close friends know about the condition but still find it hard to understand when I need a minute to cool down once we’ve walked somewhere.
Sometimes when I sweat, it can be exhausting. Trying to hide it and wipe it away and stay calm to cool down can be mentally draining. Last week when I went to the supermarket to buy groceries I was dripping in sweat and once I got home i told my sister I felt so tense and on edge that I felt like I had ran a marathon. I was exhausted because I was trying to hide the sweat so i don’t look unhygienic and gross.
I tried Botox in March and I hoped it would solve my problems but it turned out to be a big waste of money which is why I have been browsing forums as my doctor is at a loss of what to do next.
Hyperhidrosis is ruining my life
HH is undoubtedly tough. I have it on my face too, and as cliché as it sounds, just try to avoid thinking about it. It’s hard to reach the point of not caring about it, believe me. There are some days where it won’t leave my mind. It wasn’t until recently my face was sweating in a store but nobody even thought twice about it. I was freaking out about it, but nobody cared my face was sweaty. I’ve been on dates before where my partner doesn’t care about my HH, they’re just in the moment, so I really do think the biggest barrier is mental. Hopefully one day we’ll have a permanent cure, but until then, we must remain positive.
Have you tried Glycopyrrolate (brand name Robinul)? This is what my derm prescribed years ago. For me, it does not completely get rid of sweating but, it does minimize my HH sweating. I also haven’t experienced bad side effects.
I totally get that HH sucks! Don’t let it hold you back from living you life and meeting people. For me, joining a running group helped me be more social. After a 5K everyone is sweaty! We would run then drink and eat at an outdoor bar. Nobody noticed my extra sweat and in that environment I didn’t feel as self conscious. Sometimes I would bring an extra shirt to change into.
Regarding dating, just be open with your partner. Let them know that you have HH and that it sucks but, there is not much you can do about it. Everyone has some type of medical issues that they can’t control (severe migraines, heartburn, etc.) I know these aren’t HH but, if you are with the right person they won’t have a problem with it.
I thought i was the only person who suffered from this problem. I’m 17 years old nearly 18 and excessive sweating is really getting me down its ruining my life. I cant wear half of my clothes due to embarrassment because they leave visible sweat patches. My hands are always sweaty so in college i avoid getting too close to people as i get really self conscious about my visible sweaty hands, my feet are always drenched in sweat so its embarrassing in summer i also have the same problem with my arm pits! I’m really fed up of this problem and just want it sorting as it is effecting my social life as i get embarrassed around lads when i have sweaty palms and arm pits and spend half my life with my arms by my side trying to disguise the problem. How can i get a treatment from this?
@GEMMA, I had the same problem(facial sweating) since my childhood which is very embarrassing feeling, tried many different things none of them had worked for me .but luckily in 2014, I came across SWEATBLOCK which I believe is the best facial hyperhydrosis treatment.
its available in the Market, so really I am recommending you this one, and it is not expensive.
But still have hand and feet sweating, which is also tried everything except Surgery, very embarrassing too particularly handshaking. I hope I could get a solution for it too. -
hi,,,Good day to everyone
Well im getting realy upset because i Sweat ALOT under my arms and it shows through shirts, and people laughing at me, and its almost impossible to hug a girl or be round one because i just feel realy embarressed… Please help me .. That was 5 years ago and ever since the surgery I have enormous amounts of sweat just pouring out of my groin area all day and night, every day and night, and the accompanying itching, chafing, scratching, bleeding and general discomfort have brought me to the point of not wanting to live anymore
@Michelle thank you for suggesting Robinul, I’m going to do my research on it. The past few weeks have been particularly bad for me because the UK has had the longest heatwave for a long time. I can barely move without being absolutely drenched in sweat. I’m attending a few weddings this summer and I’m feeling very lonely being the only single person due to this sweat problem. I know that I will avoid the dance floor because after I don’t want to risk my hair becoming drenched in sweat. I feel pretty hopeless at the moment, I usually do in the summer.
I’m 17 turning 18 in sep. and for the past 2-3 years i have been suffering with this annoying sweating problem. I haven’t seen my doctor about it yet because i’m so embarrassed to tell, considering i’m a girl and its gross and they’ll only ask me if i drink a lot of alcohol or smoke (which i hardly do ) but would like to be able too (because it will be after all, my 18th).recently i’ve seen these deodorant adverts on the telly about ‘’perspiration’’ and how girls hide it well….. it really gets to me because i cant seem to find anything that works.. I’ve recently finished my first year in college and has been dealing with really bad stress which has also caused my hair to fall out, id be here all day if i explained but the symptoms are unbelievable.. my lectures used to be on the 5th floor and everyday i had to walk up and down the stairs for my breaks etc and it used to drive me mad, being all hot and sweaty infront of hundreds of teenagers was a awful feeling. Every morning i used to stress out over what to wear, everyone who has this problem knows how it is i assume! It was horrible. this sweating business is slowly ruining my life.since i’ve noticed it being so bad i feel like its gotten worse, and because i have really bad nerves i presume that’s why its getting worse? every time i feel hot, i constantly think to myself..’’am i sweating, oh god i’m getting even hotter’’ and it gets worse and worse. So now i restrict myself to go out, i just stay indoors most of the time. When i do on the other hand i wear the most stupidest tops even if its raining and just feel like an idiot, i thought i was the only one who had this problem but clearly not.. so to cut the story short, i don’t have much time to find something effective, no botox no surgery and no strange sweat pads… oh and if there’s something like drysol but without the irritation at night, that would be fab! Please help 🙁
Sweety I really feel for you! My hair fell out from stress too and because I’m so anxious about my sweat problem my hair loss has only increased over the years. If I were you I’d see a doctor to see if you can get prescribed medication for sweating or deodorant.
I am a male and I feel everyone’s pain here. I used to have really sweaty hands and feet, and 24 years ago (aged 24) had the ETS operation. Hands physically can’t sweat anymore, but I now spend all day soaking wet everywhere else due to compensatory sweating. I sometimes use Oxybutynin, but it isn’t that effective. I know it is genetic as my aunt, sister and cousin all have symptoms. I once had a conversation about swapping sweaty hands for facial sweating, but I think I have trumped them now with all-over body sweating instead! I also know that it is anxiety based, as if I do venture for a night out, I try to neck a couple of beers as quickly as possible, as for some reason the alcohol seems to stop me from sweating.
I fully believe that the fear of visibly sweating increases anxiety making it worse, and so although I can’t offer anyone with facial sweating any advice, I can hopefully help a few people by recommending that they take a look at Ably Apparel. The knowledge that the sweat isn’t visible has halved the amount I sweat, making it more manageable. I could run a marathon with one of their tops on, fill a bucket with the amount I sweat and you wouldn’t notice a thing! FYI I don’t have any involvement with Ably Apparel other than as a customer, but the more people that approach them for sweat proof clothing will hopefully encourage them to release a wider range. They seem to focus on “not having to wash the clothes so often” as being the selling point when clearly it is that it can help millions of HH sufferers.
ever since I’ve experienced hyperhidrosis I had my sweat glands surgically removed over 30 years ago, and have not regretted one minute of it. Though I find just lately I am becoming quite ‘sticky’ under the arm pits on humid days. Though this is not particularly worrying me, I am wondering if its possible for the glands to regrow? -
Hyperhidrosis can be the cause of discomfort and embarrassment. You may have trouble working or enjoying recreational activities because of wet hands or feet or wet stains on clothing. You might feel anxious about your symptoms and become withdrawn or self-conscious. You may be frustrated or upset by other people’s reactions. If you feel this way, You may start by seeing your primary care provider. He or she may refer you to a specialist in skin diseases (dermatologist). If your condition is not responding to initial treatments, your care may also involve a neurologist or a surgeon. Hope this would help.
As a child, I remember my mother’s hands dripping wet. I would hold her hand to go to the store and her hands were dripping. I never thought about it. It was her normal. She said as a teen it was problematic at piano recitals. She would have to wipe down the piano keys after playing. I believe that her feet was doing the same, because she had serious nail problems. People just accepted this as normal for her. She found a cure for it in weird way.
She was having some serious stress in her thirties and the doctor noticed her blood pressure was seriously high. She never had that problem. He put her on blood pressure medication and it not only got her blood pressure normalized, but the excess sweating problem that plagued her for years went totally away. She has been on blood pressure meds for years and the sweating problem NEVER came back. She was able to get rid of the embarrassing toenail problems as well. This may be a wild card, but blood pressure meds activate the parasympathetic nervous system. There in lies perhaps a connection. BTW, none of her children developed this condition. I know what my mother went through, because I felt it. I hope sharing this will help the medical community find a good treatment for this condition. It is physical. My wish is that no one suffers like my mom. God bless—
I have facial hyperhydrosis. I have got it under control for 3 years now using SWEATBLOCK. I have a link for the youtube video of Vman. He describes it perfectly and has the cure for it. I learned how to apply it to the hairline from this video. It really is a cure if you apply it correctly at night before bed you will be sweat free for 3-4 days. Here’s the link for the video.
A sweaty back can mean that you feel uncomfortable as you fulfill your daily roles. It is normal for the body to sweat, but too much of it can interfere with our ability to enjoy life and can make us feel embarrassed.
If this is something that you need to deal with then you may be interested in how to stop sweating back from occurring or at least make it easier to deal with. What follows are a stop sweating tips for how to stop sweating back and how to overcome this excessive sweating.
You may also try hypoallergenic deodorants & armpit sweat pads to get quick solution from sweating problems.
No offense, but may I ask? Are you overweight? Or do you have high sugar level?
If so, try changing your diet.
Avoid eating foods that contains too much carbohydrates. And avoid sugary foods.
Avoid eating rice, bread, pastas, pizzas and burgers. Also, try to avoid eating chocolates and cakes or any desserts. Also, try to stop drinking too much colas, chocolate drinks or any energy drinks.
Try to eat foods that are high in protein. Eat more veges. Try drinking apple cider every morning and try to trim down some weights.
I suffered from puberty to mid thirties with sweaty armpits thru layers of clothes till I never wanted to go out anymore. I finally told a doctor and my problem was cured overnight. She gave me a prescription for drysol which i believe is sold over the counter now. The first time i applied it i did break out in a rash so i was bummed but kept trying and the rash went away and so did my excessive sweating. Hope i can save someone years of humiliation as i know how hard it is.
What a great testimony…
My mane is Sandra bogia, I am from USA. I have been suffering hyperhidrosis from birth and it has been disgusting and embarrassing, I have suffer for this all through my life until I meet a doctor online who have helped a lot of people worldwide…I contacted him and tell him my problem and he gave me instructions and a herbal medication to use and after 2 weeks of using his herbal medications I was totally heal and free from the disease….I am not living a hoppy and social life ones again in my life…I am so excited… -
Sorry for all HH sufferers, I was looking back on my life again and marveling at how much HH has dictated the paths I took and failed to take. It truly has ruined my life so far. Hand-holding is a struggle (not that I get a chance to do that any more). It has destroyed my marriage (a marriage that should not have even begun, since I had stayed alone and was easy pickings for “the love bomb” to get me into the position of free janitor and cash cow). Yes lacking basic decency I slept with another man’s wife under his own roof, with his kids in the next room (wasn’t my idea), I suppose I could brag about this but mainly it just makes me sick now. Back door man, bottom feeder. Previous to that, my only girlfriend was psychotic, that was my choice. She committed suicide a few years ago on the railroad tracks, just from still being psychotic due to drug use, also an incest survivor. I passed on all the usual opportunities for happiness you get before you are 25 years old, back in the 80s, these are the easy ones that just drop on your lap with no effort. This is all due to the hyperhidrosis. Now I’m just waiting to die, and using the now legal weed and alcohol for escape. I have a hobby which I’ve always loved, but can only do it around midnight when I am alone and the HH is not active. Kinda empty, but it’s enough to keep me going.
Back when I was trying to support my wife (before we became irretrievably estranged, she sees me as “weak” and though the love bomb was all her idea, her dream actually,
I get all the blame for the terrible time we have had). I tried my own electrical water pans hooked up to an electric train transformer. That worked, but god what an effort. I also tried glycopyyrolate, the sort of works, however that causes intra-occular pressure to rise which would lead to glaucoma. Sorry my optic nerve is more important than solving the HH. Wow I must still have self-esteem to say that.Well, at least I’m alive, have youtube to surf, and can now legally get stoned. Also maybe it’s good now that my wife never speaks to me. It was always about the power struggle. It was never normal. How did I get trapped like this? I think if I had basic decency I would’ve dodged this bullet. Oh yeah, I don’t have to take seealiss any more, I hate that shit, I needed to take it because our relationship was so broken from the beginning I could never get it up. I’m fine by myself, no problem. Hard to believe it was all head games. Wish I could’ve listened to and understood popular music lyrics when I was younger, to avoid it all, because it’s all true, relationships are a nightmare even without HH.
The earliest I remember excessively sweating was second grade, when I’d repeatedly wipe my palms on my Catholic school uniform.
I’d use my sleeves to hide the sweat dripping from my fingertips; watch the edges curl up on the notebook on which I was practicing my cursive handwriting; never wear sandals because my feet would slip and slide all over them; and look around to see if other kids had sweaty feet like I did. Remember jelly shoes? I could only wear mine with socks, and that made me feel like a huge dork. The last thing I wanted was to stand out.
It wasn’t until I turned 20 that I learned my excessive sweating had a real name, and that was only after searching online for hours, trying to figure out why I felt like such an outsider. My official diagnosis of hyperhidrosis came at the age of 21 after consulting with a dermatologist, and since then, I’ve tried nearly every known treatment for my condition.
I have Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis . During my college days, I had difficulty taking down notes because my notebooks would be drenched with sweat. I also had difficulty grasping the pen because of excessive sweating.
I needed to bring extra socks with me at school everyday. I didn’t want to have smelly feet that is why I had to change socks every time I felt my feet is already soaking wet with sweat. I needed to bring at least 4 pair of socks everyday. That was so tiring. But I had to.
I have avoided hanging out with classmates and friends because I was too uncomfortable with my sweaty hands and feet. -
Hyperhidrosis is one of those things that most people don’t understand, and no one can help with.
I’m a man in my early 30s. I have had hyperhidrosis as long as I can remember — it’s all over my body, but worst in my hands, feet, crotch, and buttocks. I’m already almost completely alienated from the world, due to an abusive childhood. Having hyperhidrosis on top of that has pushed me over the edge into total despair. My life is constant fear, depression, and hopelessness. This condition gets in the way of EVERYTHING I try to do.
I’m an alcoholic and drug addict, and the only time I find any peace is when I’m inebriated. However, it isn’t sustainable to be under the influence at all times, so at this point, I’m just wondering how long it will be before I finally man up and kill myself.
I realized there are so many people that are suffering from this condition. All my life I thought I was the only one since I have never met anyone else with this same condition.
I started struggling with excessive sweating when I was still in college. I’m now 32 and I still have this condition but I kind of learned how to live with it.
Here is one trick I’ve been doing that helped me. I don’t know if it will be effective with you, but there is no harm on trying.
When I’m starting to feel sweaty, I would wrap ice cubes in a towel, pressed it against my wrist.
I read that the veins in our wrists are large, and by cooling them down, it will help cool down your blood flow. -
Hi Gemma,
Felt I should share this with you as HH made my life a misery for 15 years. Firstly – anti perspirants only make the situation worse as they block your sweat glands. I used cans of it and the more I used the worse it got.
After doing some research I started a routine of using a loofa on my underarms in the evening and using a high aluminium chloride roll on (I used Driclor but imagine other brands are available). You have you have to do it in the evening before bed.
I did this for a week and my HH stopped completely.
This was 10 years ago and it’s never been a problem for me since. I also found once my under arm pores were unblocked it stopped my body from looking for other places to sweat – so face, hands, back etc also cleared up.Just a suggestion but I know how debilitating it can be. and since it stopped I’ve never looked back.
I’m only 16 when I started to sweat excessively from my armpits. My problem isn’t only the excessive sweating. Much worse is the odor. I take care of my body very well. I eat healthy foods and drink lots of water. I also clean my body very well. I take a bath twice a day. I have been applying Antiperspirants too. But only after two or three hours, I would start to smell like vinegar regardless if I’m doing strenuous activity or just simply chilling. If I’m stressed, it’s literally instant even with deodorant. I started isolating myself and losing friends because I was embarrassed about my condition. Nobody wants to sit beside me anyway.