Hyperhidrosis treatment long-term side effects?

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        Clementine on #1946

        Long-term, is it better to stick to one single type of hyperhidrosis treatment, or am I better off if I keep trying out different things? Umm, I don’t know anyone with hyperhidrosis so I can’t tell which works better. I have excessive sweat on my hands and underarms, and sometimes my face gets very hot and blushes, but only if I play some sports. ^__^

        Also, umm, do you think iontophoresis could create a habit for one’s skin? Like, if you stop using it, you will definitely sweat more than before, because your glands get somehow used to functioning normally only within the whole iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis regime, and outside of that, you sweat all the time. I would like to avoid any hyperhidrosis treatment that creates possible quasi-addictive habit. >__>

        Umm, excuse me if I’m being paranoid, but some of these things are confusing. (I’m eighteen years old and only now learning what to do about excessive sweat.) ^__^

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