I only sweat excessively in Fall, Winter and Spring. In Summer I’m dry and norma

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

      • Guest
        ERIKA on #8007

        Does anyone else out there have this problem?? Every year around Mid to end of May, my annoying sweating (underarm, hands, feet) just stops. It’s like a miracle. Although I live in Miami where temperatures soar in the summer, I am able to stay as cool as a cucumber. I would think that my sweating would be at it’s worst during this time but it is the exact opposite. Right around the time I can feel the season changing around the end of September, the sweating starts all of over. It’s literally from one day to the next. It’s depressing and I have to change the types of shoes and clothing I wear. No more cute sandals or shoes without socks. No more high heeled open-toed shoes. It is beyond frustrating and I just wonder if anyone else out there has this. Would love some kind of medical explanation but people just look at me like I’m weird when I explain my situation. It’s been going on since I was a little girl and I am now 37.

      • Guest
        Gabi on #13100

        You should check vitamina D levels. Vitamin D defficiency could be they reasson.

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