
Posted In: MiraDry Forum

      • Participant
        jessie-j on #2218

        It always brings me down when I start thinking or reading about hyperhidrosis, and wherever I look, there’s this word etched into my mind: INCURABLE. It feels so sick, having this sort-of incurable illness, although it doesn’t really feel like an illness and calling it incurable just seems weird and wrong for some reason.

        With miraDry I get the feeling that this is one of the rare types of treatments that can make hyperhidrosis completely curable. Well, I am only talking about axillary hyperhidrosis, of course, but it still marks some kind of scientific progress. If you have(had!) underarm hyperhidrosis and then went to miraDry, do you now feel CURED in full sense of that word?
        I need something that will make me feel as if hyperhidrosis is actually fully curable… 🙂

      • Guest
        Levy on #3876

        miraDry is a new generation of technology for the permanent removal of sweat and odor glands on people bothered by their underarm sweat. The hand piece from the miraDry system, when placed on the underarm, brings exactly controlled microwave energy to the region where the sweat glands reside. The sweat glands are eliminated, resulting in a dramatic and lasting reduction in underarm sweating.
        miraDry uses microwave energy which is recognized to be the ideal method for treating the sweat and odor glands in the underarm. The advanced design of the miraDry system continuously cools your skin during treatment for added comfort and safety.

      • Guest
        jessy on #6098

        I have had the problem of sweaty armpits for at least a year now. It makes it really difficult in my everyday life. I feel really embarrassed about it and often find myself wearing black which is depressing because i’m a naturally bubbly person. I did contact my doctor regarding in my problem then my doctor recommend me to undergo a miradry treartment. miraDry is just one of numerous treatment options for excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). Typically, experts recommend that patients try antiperspirants first (over-the-counter “clinical” strength and/or prescription formulations) and then, if needed, progress to more invasive treatments.

      • Guest
        sunshine on #6640

        Wetness underarm really feels uncomfortable. I used sure and that worked fine, but for some reason when I decided to change as I realized it was causing white marks on my clothing, to a spray, I tried loreal. Big mistake, as it caused white marks as well but more importantly wetness and now whatever(deodorant) I choose I feel wetness, even when not hot outside! So far I’m using mitchum, seems ok now but I haven’t been outside yet and that’s when I’m hot, not inside. I’m going to use malt vinegar at night times (heard it soaks up dryness) and then wash in morning and use usual deodorant. Hope it works and will let you guys knows how u it went.

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