Iontophoresis Device

Posted In: Iontophoresis Forum

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        Rita H on #6703

        I have been using Electro Antiperspirant for 5 months already for my excessive sweating of palms and the results are really good. The sweating stopped after just one week and I was dry for 2 months (in summer!). When sweating came back, it was beginning of August, I did 3 sessions and since then, my hands are dry. It seems that in autumn/winter, the results last longer. Do you have the same experience? I am also wondering, is anyone using lotion after ionto?

      • Guest
        monica on #8981

        Hi Rita, do you still use this machine? I got it few months ago and I have very happy with him, the best invest in my life for stop this embarassing sweating!!! My previous machine was very poor, electro antiperspirant convinced me with his uses – because I was looking for something for my head (palms are already dry) this machine is perfect for me!

      • Guest
        Rita H on #9124

        Hi , I was looking for something on this website, so I glad to answer you after long time for your question. I still use this electro antiperspirant. It always help me the same like before. It nice that you got it and you're feel better. How about your results? 🙂

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        monica on #9138

        sorry for my late reply, I was hoping that you would answer 🙂

        My results are much better than I expected, Now it is 4 months, I have never been so dry since I started suffering from hyperhidrosis. If I didn't take this machine, I don't know how long I would have to get tired of it, I'd sooner go crazy :/

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