Iontophoresis used to succesfully treat facial sweating

Posted In: Iontophoresis Forum

      • Participant
        danielbloomfield on #5164

        Hi Everyone,

        I would like to share my experience of Iontophoresis with you, in the hope that it may be useful to somebody who was in a desperate situation like me. I realise this is quite a long story as I talk about my situation before treatment. If you just want to read about my method in using Iontophoresis to effectively treat facial sweating then feel free to skip to the last two paragraphs.

        I have suffered with excessive sweating since puberty, not realising until somebody pointed it out to me and then becoming increasingly conscious about it. The area that affects and bothers me most is my face, with a little bit of heat/exercise/nervousness sweat starts building above my lips and on my forehead. Even walking a short distance or walking up the stairs! Something that has resulted in me avoiding any situation which I deem likely to make me sweat in front of people. The trouble is that the anxiety it caused and that I felt before any situation made me sweat which made me more anxious. So, I completely understand how restrictive this condition can be, and also misunderstood by people that don’t consider sweating a big issue.

        I didn’t consider any treatments for this until I was about 25, I looked at internet forums and read about anti-perspirants and surgery. I was disappointed to find that these were either aimed more towards other areas of the body and not facial sweating, or very drastic operations. I went to my GP who prescribed me with ‘Driclor’ (Which I still have 2 years later and should probably throw out), I first used ‘Driclor’ when I started a new job, I remember on my first day going to wipe the sweat from my face but it not being there, I was sweating in other areas but it didn’t matter because my face was dry! It felt great, I was so happy that something had finally worked when I was convinced that my condition was so bad it couldn’t be treated. But this came at a cost, every night before bed rubbing this horrible liquid on my face and trying to get to sleep through the burning sensation. I hated it, although I stopped sweating whenever I was in a situation that I would normally sweat I got sudden pain in my face that felt like someone was sticking a pin in me. I have very sensitive skin anyway, some might find they can use this without a problem, Great! 

        I stopped using ‘Driclor’ when I was working in a place that was constantly air conditioned and I was cycling to work – I know this might seem like more reason to try and prevent sweating, but I felt like cycling gave me a legitimate excuse for sweating so I wasn’t embarrassed about it. Then I saw a video about Iontophoresis on ‘Embarrassing bodies’ and how successful they were claiming it to be! I looked into it and found, once again, that the use for facial sweating had not progressed as much as other areas like hands and feet. Nevertheless, there was a mask available, which I bought, which allowed for facial treatment. The machine is very expensive, but I had read so many good things about this that I was not going to let any cost get in the way of my treatment. I took out my first credit card – at 26! – and purchased it in January 2016. By this time, I had left work and gone back into full time education and I was doing an access to higher education course.

        After using the mask for a few weeks, I was disappointed to find that it didn’t really seem to be working. I spoke to the company that sold it to me who were helpful and positive and gave me some tips, but sadly I still didn’t find it very effective. I think it improved, but not enough! It also left me with red marks, sometimes broken skin, on my cheeks where the wires connect to the mask.

        Over the summer of 2016, after noticing how effective it had been on my hands, which I treated as well, I started to think about the differences between the hand and face treatments. I’m not too good with electricity, currents etc. but I suspect that with the facial treatment, the difficulty is getting it to stay wet and getting the current to flow all around the affected areas. So I decided to experiment.

        My plan was to get a face sized basin of water, a snorkel, a nose plug and some goggles – you can see where this is going. I set the machine up using the hand electrodes, one in the basin and one in the hand tray. I thought if I could get the flow to go through me, like with the hand treatment, it might work a lot better. I briefly considered the safety of it, it travels through me for the hand so should be ok there, the delicate parts of my face are protected so that should be fine, and I had nothing metal on me. Under supervision of my partner, I set the machine to a very low voltage, and a short time and dived in. I was so happy when I felt the pins and needles feeling on my face! I straight away knew that it was working, my partner told me that the light was on and the voltage was increasing.

        My next step was to increase the time and voltage to a normal treatment. I felt it a lot more in my hand than I did my face, I wonder if that is because there is a smaller area in contact with the current on my hand than my face? So, it’s almost like the current is being funnelled?

        After only a few days, I was going on dog walks on hot sunny days, and I was dry! I couldn’t believe it, I was so happy, dryness with no horrible side effects! It felt life changing! Then I started studying at university and there were so many situations where I would have started sweating, but I wasn’t! I could relax about heat and social situations.

        It’s now a year since I do it this way, I still do frequent treatments to keep it up. I got a bit lazy over the summer holidays and have gone long times without it. I think this is good because I start sweating again but not in embarrassing situations because I am at home. So, it is good at reminding me how effective it is and how lucky I am.

        My reason for wanting to share this story with you is because I remember how hard it was to find a promising treatment for facial sweating, and it was only with a bit of experimenting that I managed to massively improve it for myself. After all the other options seeming to not work for me, or being too drastic that I didn’t want to take the risks, this is perfect. I know that it is unlikely the manufacturers will be able to recommend this method because there is a risk of drowning etc. but for me it is the only way that works.

        If there is interest, I would be more than happy to provide a step by step document with photos on how I do this treatment but basically, I follow all the preparation instructions from the manufacturer e.g. washing face, using warm water etc. I then raise the basin in line with my bed and put the hand tray on the floor. The machine goes on the other side to the hand tray so I can alter the voltage or reduce it quickly in case of some sort of emergency. I have memorised the position of the buttons as well. I lie down ready, get my goggles, nose clip and snorkel on and go in. I usually put the radio on or something I can listen to and it’s almost like a power nap. I started by setting a timer or having my partner there to tell me when my time is up. I have found now, that if I lift one or two fingers out of the water in the hand tray when the machine is on, I notice a change in my vision between green and purple, which I am sure there is a very interesting explanation for relating to wave lengths or something, when the machine is of, there is no change in colour. So, when I think I am nearing the end of the time, I do that test, if there is no change then I use my free hand to pick up the machine and tilt my head so I can see out without removing myself from the water. If it has finished, then I pack up, moisturise and enjoy a dry day!

        I would be interested to hear if anyone has any views on this method, maybe you think its dangerous? You might have tips to improve it or balance out the intensity on my hand to my face? Maybe an interesting explanation about the colour change? Please comment, and feel free to ask any questions at all!

        Disclaimer: This story is to tell others how I have adapted the iontophoresis machine to find a more effective treatment for myself. There is a risk of drowning if I were to lose consciousness for some reason during the treatment or even fall asleep so I always do it when my partner is with me. I am not suggesting others follow my method but if you do, then this is at your own risk, please do so under supervision!

      • Guest
        Bonas on #5628

        Hello Dan,

        I would love to get in contact with you regarding this type of treatment: I’m having a hard time finding good enough equipment like a good snorkel, a good plastic box or w/e that will work while I have the snorkel on etc. Would love it if you could post a more detailed guide on how you’re making it work.

        However, I do know that your version of doing things will work since I’ve managed to feel the “pins and needles” on my face, it’s just such a hassle to make it work for 20 minutes.

        I don’t want to publish my mail here in the public, so please respond in the comment section in order to figure something out. My reddit username is ZDouche if you would prefer to establish contact via that platform.


        • Guest
          Tommy on #6803

          Can i get step by step instructions please?

      • Guest
        Andy on #5706

        Hey there. Could you please explain in step by step instruction how you achieved this? Many thanks!!

      • Guest
        Linda on #5968

        Could you please explain the step by step process you used also. Thanks!

      • Guest
        Linda on #5967

        Could you send me the step by step technique you use for the face. I also have facial sweating problems. Thanks!

        • Guest
          Tommy01 on #6804

          Can someone email me the steps please?

      • Guest
        David on #5961

        Hello! Is it possible to get step by step instructions! Would really appreciate it, thanks!

      • Guest
        Ben a on #5999

        Please can someone email me the steps on how to do this. I would appreciate it. Thanks

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        stephanie on #6343

        hello. I have been suffering from this for a few years now and it drives me nuts. I have tried so many things and have not had much success with any of them. I sweat profusely on my face, hairline and scalp. Just like Dan, I can walk like a block or up a flight of stairs and I am drenched. I notice it is worse when there are a lot of people around or when I am under a lot of lighting. It really gets to me and is starting to take over my life. I need help and would love to hear more info about iontophoresis and how long it lasts after you do the treatment? Thank you!

      • Guest
        -xander on #6770

        I have the same problem. I’ve sweat since I was 11. It really bothers me I’ve tried changing deodorant but it won’t work. my mom told me that if I put lemon under my armpits it would stop but unfortunately it didn’t work I get really embarrassed my friends would ask if they could barrow my sweater and I would say no because I knew I was sweating. This has stopped me from doing a lot of things and for school I have to wear white shirts and it really embarrasses me. Some of my friends recommend new brands of deodorants, but for now I need help and advices to other people. Please help me.

      • Guest
        Tommy on #6801

        Can someone email me the step by step instructions please?

      • Guest
        Shane on #6958

        Can someone please email me the step by step instructions please? My email is [email protected]

      • Participant
        danielbloomfield on #7280

        HOW TO GET GUIDE email me at [email protected]

        Hi everyone,

        I am really sorry for ignoring all these messages! I think I have posted in two places and forgot to update this one!

        If you have provided an e-mail address in your comment I have sent you the guide so please let me know if you don’t have it. Otherwise, please e-mail me on the address above and I will send it to you!

        I hope it is not too late and this message will reach you all.


      • Guest
        Annie on #22854

        Thank you! I have the same issue but it’s the back of my head so I end up with very wet hair all the time. I thought maybe to use the armpit electrodes strapped to the back of my head but full immersion would be so much more effective so thank you for your own experiment and for confirming that I won’t fry my brain. I will do the same as you suggest above but lying face up, so thankfully no snorkel required 🙂

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