Laser Sweat Ablation vs. MiraDry

      • Participant
        Saket Agrawal on #3751

        I am suffering from Axillary Hyperhidrosis. After knowing a whole lot about MiraDry and reading a lot of success stories, I went to see a dermatologist yesterday to have Miradry treatment. But, the doctor gave me an alternative of Laser Sweat Ablation(LSA), saying it is even more effective than Miradry and has much better results. When I searched on the internet, I literally found nothing about LSA. No blog or post is talking about it. Also it’s an invasive procedure. Now I am awfully confused and a bit scared of having this LSA treatment. Can anyone please help me with this?

      • Guest
        danica on #6136

        Been experiencing the hyperhidrosis for years but “LSA has truly changed my life. Since the procedure, I’ve not had to second guess choosing my wardrobe which is now full of grey clothes I couldn’t wear before. It’s given me the confidence to do my job, without having to worry about the thing that I spent years hiding underneath jumpers, three types of deodorant and tissue paper under my armpits! since then i am more confident in my everyay’s living.

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