life saver undershirts

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        carlito on #6673

        Seems I’m not the only one with this bizarre and ever so frustrating problem… It’s pretty much just started, literally a couple of weeks ago and its so annoying. Wetness underarm really feels uncomfortable. I used sure and that worked fine, but for some reason when i decided to change as i realized it was causing white marks on my clothing, to a spray, i tried loreal. Big mistake, as it caused white marks as well but more importantly wetness and now whatever(deodorant) i choose i feel wetness…even when not hot outside! So i decided to change my clothing. I Go with light colored clothing which will reflect the sunlight and heat; also thing moisture wicking. This will move the sweat to the surface of the clothing instead of leaving it next to your skin. When it’s on the surface of the clothing, it will evaporate, leaving you feeling cooler. Basically, your body has an evaporation cooler built in. When it’s hot, stay hydrated and that can go a long way toward keeping you cool!

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        george on #6714

        I only recently heard of this tee product and ordered some up from the internet the other week. I’m on my second day of use now and I can say that it has had a dramatic effect on my the problem there is already a very noticeable reduction in the amount I’m sweating from the underarms (which is my problem area). I would urge anyone with this problem to go to your GP and don’t leave until you get some medical help, learn from my mistake and don’t leave it as long as I did. The difference in your quality of life is profound when you finally realize that this is a medical condition that can be overcome and that it isn’t going to be forever.

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