How long did it take your iontophoresis to work?

Posted In: Iontophoresis Forum

      • Guest
        Felix on #3393

        Hi Guys! I have been doing 18v for 20 minutes a day for the last 6 days. I’m not noticing any reduced sweating. I’m just wondering how long it took you guys for it to work?

      • Guest
        John on #3397

        For me I think it was about 2 or 3 weeks. I find that doing treatments every other day works best for me. I use cold tap water, nothing mixed in.

      • Guest
        Rhian on #3396

        It varies. 7-14 days on average. Others about a month or two. Fingertips can take months.

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        Chris on #3403

        It took me about 7 days. I do maintenance once a week. I’m doing 25.6 V and about 8 Amps according to the multimeter. Basically 4 6V lantern batteries in series.

      • Guest
        Jhamille on #3438

        I spent about 15 to 30 minutes per polarity for a session time ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour. It took me around 10 days to see effects

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        Ehricka on #3437

        For me, it’s 2 weeks.

      • Guest
        Ruel on #3471

        I did not see results until the 4th session.

      • Guest
        Johana on #3470

        By the eighth treatment, my perspiration was reduced to nearly the normal level, and there was no particular side-effects.

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