Longer lasting Anticholinergic

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        Matthew on #7205

        Hi all,

        I have been diagnosed with Hyperhidrosis but my main problem area is the face/head area, I was prescribed Pro banthine 15mg. I’ve found that they generally work really well when I take 1-2 before I start work and have an empty stomach, the problem is they only last for about 3-4 hours then the sweating returns. I was told my the Dermatologist (NHS) that if this tablet doesn’t work I will just have to deal with it as there isn’t anymore they can offer me which even if that is the case you try and give a person hope that they can get control to a degree of the symptoms and live a happy life, which after this experience I never went back. Is there any tablets that last longer in the system so would last a whole day or in general better Anticholinergic’s than the one I was prescribed? I’m thinking of going to see a private dermatologist to see if they can offer anything else which can help.

        Thanks for reading/Listening,


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        Keith on #7527

        Hi Matthew,
        I have a NHS dermatologist in Liverpool UK.
        I have been prescribed pro-banthine for 12 years. The amount you can take depends on the side effects you suffer. My doctors have been very helpful, understanding that I need to take what is necessary to control HH.
        I take 4 x 15mg as soon as I wake up. I allow about 1 hour for it to work before I have a shower. I don’t eat or drink till dressed and shaved which is another hour or so. I do sip water for dry mouth side effects.
        I then take 2 tablets when I feel the HH coming on. They take about 20 mins to work. I was taking 12 a day at one time. We can discuss side effects if you want.
        Glycopyrolate is not available on NHS prescription now because it became too expensive. I did try them 12 years ago.
        But, Oxybutynine is available. I tried the 5mg tablets to try and replace the pro-banthine and compare side effects. Didn’t work quite the same for me.
        However, I am prescribed Kentara Oxybutynine patch to stick on my skin. This has helped me reduce my pro-banthine and counteracted a slight short temper side effect I get with the pro-banthine.
        All drugs Side effects are slightly different for everyone.
        Only found this site today, after 12 years of researching HH! It’s been here 17 years.
        Let me know if I can be any more help


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