Maximum allowed treatment time for Iontophoresis?

Posted In: Iontophoresis Forum

      • Guest
        Awatarko on #2208

        What is the maximum allowed treatment time for iontophoresis per treatment?

        I started doing iontophoresis for sweaty hands as my main hyperhidrosis treatment about a month ago, and I am not yet fully happy with the results. There is some improvement and my sweaty hands are less sweaty these days, but I want to get more out of the device that I have bought. The device is Fischer Galvanic MD-2.

        I think I’ve already found the perfect power level, so I don’t want to change voltage or anything like that. However I heard that iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis makes you drier if the treatments are longer, so I started increasing treatment times. I already went from 15 minute treatments to 20 minute treatments, but I would like to prolong my iontophoresis even more. What is the maximum allowed treatment time for iontophoresis for sweaty hands when using Fischer Galvanic MD-2?

      • Participant
        Melanie-Corn on #2214

        If you are using direct current iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis, it’s recommended that you take 15-minute treatments. If you are using pulsed current, you can prolong this, I think, the weaker the current is, the longer the treatment can be. If iontophoresis device is set to 50% wave width pulsed current, you can increase the treatment time for 50%, what means 15+7.5 minutes = 22.5 minutes, approximately.

        Does that make sense to you? I know these rules apply to Hidrex definitely, but I think they can also apply for Fischer Galvanic MD-2…

        Just out of curiosity, how are your formerly sweaty hands holding up against 20 minute treatments? Are they cured? Is the skin too dry?

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