Meditation for Hyperhidrosis

      • Member
        Elena-V. on #2256

        Have you tried meditation as a form of alternative hyperhidrosis treatment?
        I have been doing some meditating, following instructions from a book & dvd set that I recently bought, and it feels as if this is helping me to curb excessive sweat.

        While meditation does not stop my sweat glands from overdoing it, it does calm me down: and a relaxed body is less prone to excessive sweat. I think that this is definitely helping me control my hyperhidrosis, but I do not know if it would help everyone.

        Do you have any experience with meditation, and have you tried using it to as a sort of hyperhidrosis treatment? What were the results? Personally, I feel that it helps me breathe more regularly, slower, deeper, that it perhaps calms my heart-rate; and all these things then help me sweat less.

      • Participant
        Toby-Essel on #2375

        I tried this approach over the past couple of weeks, and I didn’t really notice the difference. Sorry. :/

        For me, meditation did not stop excessive sweat at all, so I can’t consider it to be a valid hyperhidrosis treatment. I’m glad to hear it works for you, Elena, but it seems to be an individual thing – either that or I’ve been doing something wrong. Maybe my hyperhidrosis is different and can’t be affected by meditation alone.

        Still, meditation did help me relax at the end of a long day, so it’s not like it was a waste of time!

      • Guest
        Lee on #2378

        I have also tried medidation, and like Toby, unfortunatly no results.
        Sadly we all live fast paced lives and often don’t have time for things like this anyway.
        I know I certainly don’t, but regardless, if it worked, I’d dedicate as much time as it needed to cure my problem.

        Why can’t there be a quick and effective solution to our problem?!
        And inexpensive might I add!

      • Guest
        casey on #3504

        It did not worked for me also 🙁

      • Guest
        Stop Sweat on #14487

        I never thought meditation can help in controlling the sweat. I do use a stop sweat spray that helps to some extent, but I think I will try meditation now. It also helps to focus and give me a clear mind so I will try doing that. Your post has been very useful. I appreciate what you have shared. Thanks.

      • Guest
        Anna D. on #24439

        What do you think is the root cause for your problem? I suffer from severe hyperhidrosis as well, and it really sucks me off. I cannot concentrate on studying and doing other things. I suffer from anxiety, depression, name it. I am thinking of trying botox but it is way too expensive for me given my current situation. I would like to know what form of yoga that you practised to overcome the anxiety and sweating? Really appreciate your response.

      • Guest
        Jason Snyder on #28285

        Hi Everyone,

        I’m a grad student working on a project for my leadership class. As someone with hyperhidrosis and meditating on and off over the past seven years, I have seen a significant decrease in the amount I sweat. I’m meditating about 20 minutes a day, not all at once. It does take time, and it doesn’t happen all at once.

        I am curious if anyone would be willing to talk about their experiences with meditation and hyperhidrosis.

        Please reach out.

      • Guest
        Allain White on #28122

        There are two types of hyperhidrosis. The primary hyperhidrosis and the secondary hyperhidrosis.
        Primary hyperhidrosis is usually inherited. This means, one or more in your family members have had it. It usually affects the face, underarms, palms, and soles.
        Secondary hyperhidrosis is caused by an underlying medical condition or by taking certain medications.
        Meditation or Yoga Meditation for those people who have secondary hyperhidrosis definitely won’t work.
        Although, Meditation or Yoga can be of help for those with primary hyperhidrosis.
        For some people, being stressed, being nervous, or being anxious can be a major trigger for hyperhidrosis. So it makes sense that Meditation can help lessen excessive sweating, since it teaches you how to control your breathing and control and regulate the body’s natural stress.

      • Guest
        Lisa kent on #27902

        I never thought meditation can help in controlling the sweat. I do use a stop sweating spray that helps to some extent, but I think I will try meditation now. It also helps to focus and give me a clear mind so I will try doing that. Your post has been very useful. I appreciate what you have shared. Thanks.

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