MiraDry for other body areas besides armpits?

Posted In: MiraDry Forum

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        Diana on #9091


        I am not sure if this has been raised before but I am suffering from excessive sweating of my feet and hands and I am wondering if MiraDry will work in it? I am reading some positive reviews but almost all of them have treated armpit areas. I have also read that some doctors are saying that MiraDry will be approved to treat other body areas besides the armpits in the future, that was 2015. I am wondering since it is now 2020 maybe it can be helped treated other areas now?

        Hope someone can help answer this question please.


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        Remont on #9145

        Hi, I do believe that as of now, miraDry is only FDA cleared for treating hyperhidrosis in the underarm area. So other areas of the body is still not approved. But I also believe they are working on it to be used for other areas such as hands and feet in the near future. You can try botox for hyperhidrosis instead, it can be done in the other areas of the body. Your insurance might cover it.

        For the meantime, you may also want to look for other options in dealing with sweating here: https://hyperhidrosisnetwork.com/forums/forum/hyperhidrosis-forum/

        Good luck to your journey.


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        Marva on #9236

        Remont is right, Miradry is only for underarm sweating problems for now. Iontophoresis machine is a great alternative.

        Try Hidrex. I have always had sweaty hands since I was a little girl, but at that time I didn’t think It was an issue till once as kids we had to hold our hands at school and one of the kids started saying I was disgusting and laughing at me in front of everyone at school. I realized I was the only one who’s hands weren’t normal. I have just got my hidrex ConnectION after reading a lot about iontophoresis I thought I give it a go and see as nothing has helped me so far. So far my hands are a bit cracked after a treatment, so I just put some lotion on. Feet feel okay and armpits too.

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        Jiro on #10260

        MiraDry is really effective. I just wish it can be done to other body areas also.

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        Nora on #11501

        I believe miraDry is approved for treating excessive sweating in the armpit area only. The miraDry handpiece is specifically designed to fit against and apply slight suction to the shape of an armpit. Even if you tried to use it on the feet, you will not be able to get enough suction to ensure enough treatment.

        There are also important structures such as tendons, nerves and blood vessels that are closer to the surface of the skin on the palms and soles than in the armpit and could possibly get damaged by performing miraDry there. I suggest you to try other treatment options available for excessive sweating on the hands and feet. These include topical medications, oral medications, iontophoresis and Botox injections.

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        Dr. Karamanoukian on #16053

        I have co-authored a book on Miradry and am aware of studies using similar technology to address non-armpit regions of hyperhidrosis. As of this writing, Miradry is only FDA approved for the armpits.

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