natural ways to stop excessive sweating

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        lauren on #6670

        hi everyone,
        I was once a sweater in my every days living. It’s not uncommon for people to reach for a deodorant to prevent sweating. Unfortunately, deodorants can only mask the smell of bacteria-laced sweat, not prevent it.Instead of depending on medicinal treatments, you can try natural remedies to treat the problem. Natural remedies for excessive sweating include apple cider vinegar, lemon, black tea, potato and many others mentioned below. Antiperspirant is typically the first line of defense against hyperhidrosis. But if you’re concerned about your health, you know that most antiperspirants contain toxins. Aside from keeping you alive, water provides other useful benefits. In this instance, it helps cool your body. Lower core temperature means your body doesn’t have to sweat as much to release extra heat. On the other hand, dehydration can lead to more sweating. Moral of the story, drink plenty of water and you’ll sweat a lot less. You may have heard the eight cups a day rule, but experts suggest nine cups for women and 13 for men.

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        dona on #6758

        I always wear jackets to hide it but it doesn’t work! I only like to wear tank tops now because the sweating on short sleeves irritates me! I don’t own one long sleeve shirt. I just want to be able to raise my hands in the air with no problem! I have heard the malt vinegar suggestion by several sights so think will stick to that. The thing is my uncontrollable sweating has come very recently and it’s really bad, the thing is though, and I am not hot when I sweat like this. I will most likely be cold and yet I have started to sweat like a pig I’m too embarrassed HELP! What should I do?

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