Need help finding doctor for teen with HH–dermatologist or thoracic surgeon?

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        Kimberly on #5831

        Hello all, I am trying to find help for my 15-year-old son, who has hyperhidrosis on his hands and feet. I have a couple of questions, but first a little background:

        We went to a dermatologist, but after HyperCare solution didn’t work, this doctor just dismissed iontophoresis and any other treatments, and said we would have to go somewhere else and get Botox. I want to find a solution for my son, but would like to explore other options such as iontophoresis before thinking about Botox.

        Some questions:

        -What’s the best type of doctor to see for this–a general dermatologist, or is it better to go to a specialized Center for Hyperhidrosis? We are in the New Jersey/Pennsylvania area, and there are a few of these Centers within 1-2 hours of us (at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the Center for Hyperhidrosis satellite office in Englewood, NJ). However, I’ve called some of these Centers, and the evaluation is always done by a thoracic surgeon, not a dermatologist. And while some of these Centers say they believe in exploring nonsurgical options first, they obviously specialize in ETS surgery. So I’m wondering if they ultimately try to push ETS? Has anyone had any experience with this type of specialized Center? Your thoughts?

        -Any recommendations for specific doctors/dermatologists in the New Jersey/Philly area? I feel like I’m just operating in the dark here–I have no idea where to go. I’ve tried calling doctors listed on the doc finder on the International Hyperhidrosis Society’s website, but that information is very outdated and got me nowhere. I’ve tried just googling dermatologists in our area, but most who say they treat HH just do Botox.

        Would love any recommendations, and your thoughts on next steps.

        Thanks in advance for any help!

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        Omaro Oconnor on #5865

        Order 2 tubes of Antihydal for him and have him apply 2 pea size drops for palms and 2 for his feet. Rub it in until it’s caked on and dry. Go to sleep and was it off in the morning. Do this every night until he is dry all day. After that take a day or 2 break a week and he should be good.

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        Keith on #7540

        You need a dermatologist.
        You can use iontophoresis. It’s not dangerous. Try it first. Might need to do it everyday.
        You can know as much as the specialists by reading the information online.
        I am prescribed pro-banthine for all over HH. You need to see dermatologist for medication. The limiting factor is the side effects.
        Some doctors are better than others.
        I wouldn’t try ETS surgery.
        Good luck
        Keith in UK

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