Non-nutritional alternative hyperhidrosis treatments

      • Participant
        Linus on #2105

        I am interested in alternative treatments for hyperhidrosis, but which are not nutrition related. So, no teas, special diets, and so on. So, when I eliminate all those, what would be the remaining hyperhidrosis treatment within the alternative approach to hyperhidrosis? I am reluctant to try out acupuncture.

        Don’t ask me why I’m not interested in special diets – I have a sensitive stomach and no self-discipline about those things, and I think that even attempting to curb my excessive sweat this way would be pointless. I would however like to find a healthy alternative hyperhidrosis treatment that would help me deal with hyperhidrosis.

      • Guest
        Susan Rose on #3693


        You can treat hyperhidrosis in several ways. Antiperspirants are the first-line treatment for underarm sweating and are also proven effective on hands and feet. People who sweat excessively generally need antiperspirants with 10%–15% aluminum salts.

        You can also try a procedure called iontophoresis has been used for more than 50 years to treat excessive sweating on the hands or feet, and more recently, in the underarm. Conditions will usually improve after 5–10 sessions at the rate of three or four sessions per week. Most people need one or two sessions per week thereafter to maintain sweat relief. The main side effect is dry or irritated skin.

        Another option is Botox injections which are FDA-approved for treating underarm hyperhidrosis. They have also been found effective for hands and feet and are the treatment of choice for marked hyperhidrosis. Multiple injections are required though a typical underarm treatment involves 12–14 injections per armpit. Conditions will improve within a day or two, and the effects last 6–10 months. However, injections into the palms and soles can be painful. Risks include bleeding at the injection site and muscle weakness in the hands.


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        Angelina on #3754

        I strongly suggest using antiperspirant at night! Antiperspirant application is more effective during the night. This is because we sweat less at night and this allows our sweat glands to better absorb the active ingredients of the antiperspirant. This blocks the pores and prevents sweating in the morning. If you leave the antiperspirant on your skin for at least 8 hours, the product won’t be washed away the morning after, because it will already be well absorbed by your skin. The second application in the morning will make the antiperspirant even more effective. Iontophoresis and Botox, like Susan said, works as well but pricey.

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        Mhay on #3827

        There are lots of solutions out there and antiperspirant is one of the main ones. Antiperspirant sprays, lotions, and roll-ons help control excessive sweating. Another solution is the iontophoresis treatment. It uses a light electric current over the patient’s skin to plug the sweat glands. However, it is a temporary solution for excess sweating. Botox injections, on the other hand, are used to temporarily stop the nerves from triggering excessive sweating underarm. However, this can be a painful treatment for hyperhidrosis. One rare solution is Thoracis sympathectomy. It is the surgery conducted to cut sympathetic nerves that cause excessive sweating. Apart from being expensive this hyperhidrosis surgery carries the risk of certain side effects like nerve damage and breathing complications.

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        Cherry on #3960

        I know a lot about sweaty palms and excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, as I have had people consult with me to address this challenge.
        Excessive sweating in the absence of a high body temperature can definitely be caused by stress or emotional anxiety. It can also be caused by imbalances in your hormonal and nervous systems. But in general, the conventional medical view on hyperhidrosis is that there is no known cause or cure.
        Some doctors will recommend using an antiperspirant but given the strong link between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s disease, I cannot recommend this approach.
        Some doctors actually perform surgery to cut the nerves that supply your sweat glands. The reasoning is that if your sweat glands do not receive a signal to sweat from your brain, then your problem is solved. The problem with this method is that the nerves that control your sweat glands also control a range of other mechanisms in your body, the most important of which is your ability to control the size of your blood vessels. Your hands and armpits might stop sweating after this procedure, this has several negative side effects.
        I have found that there is a completely natural approach to dramatically improving hyperhidrosis, if not completely cure it. Aside from emotional anxiety and stress, the biggest cause of hyperhidrosis is over activity of your nervous system. Specifically, the issue is over activity of a specific component of your nervous system, called your sympathetic nervous system.
        With hyperhidrosis, your sympathetic nervous system can be over active even when you are physically at rest. A significant and overlooked cause for this over activity is eating foods that your body cannot tolerate. For example, if your body cannot tolerate dairy products, whenever you eat some, your immune system must work hard to protect your tissues from the dangerous effects of whichever constituents of dairy don’t agree with your body. If your immune system is constantly at work to deal with such food intolerances, your sympathetic nervous system detects this as stress, and triggers the mechanisms that are in place to help you during stressful situations, including the production of sweat.
        Of course, food intolerances are not the only cause of a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system and excessive sweating. Other neurological disorders, certain endocrine disorders, chronic infections, and even chronic anxiety can cause hyperhidrosis. In most cases, a water fast can be very helpful for sufferers of hyperhidrosis. This is partly due to the decrease in overall sympathetic nervous system tone that accompanies a water fast. Almost anyone who has practiced a water fast will tell you that they feel more relaxed and calm following their fast, a reflection of healthier nervous system tone.
        In any case, if you are suffering with hyperhidrosis, I inspire you to learn more about the impact that your food and lifestyle choices have on your condition. Understanding this connection may save you from many years of pointless distress and the negative side effects of conservative treatment.

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        avril on #6627

        I’ve been dealing with sweat for years and I could not wear anything its just that my armpits have a stinky odor even when I shower twice a day. It’s a big problem for me. I always gave to keep a fan on and keep a cup of ice water so that I can cool myself and control it a little bit. I’ve used prescription antiperspirants as well as meds but nothing works for me. I even sweat in cold weather too. I need help. This is affecting my life every day. I need some advices that will help my problem. Thanks.

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