Pain after the miraDry procedure

Posted In: MiraDry Forum

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        Lucas-P on #1300

        Ouch! Reading testimonials online, I found that some people experienced sore underarms up to 5 weeks after the procedure.

        Also, there are reported burns and bruises, something which worries me a little. I would guess that it’s no worse than Botox, but I guess I can’t be sure, huh? Treating one’s sensitive body part to microwaves seems harsh.

        Still, the general opinion is that miraDry is worth it. No pain, no gain, and at the moment this looks like the best way to cure sweaty armpits. I might do this soon, but I am hoping the price of the procedure will go down eventually. (Currently the average patients spend on a miraDry treatment is about $2500-3000 in the USA.)

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        Plastic-Pete on #1321

        How does this pain compare to post-Botox procedure pain? I thought Botox pain also lasts for weeks. I’m pretty sure I have read something along this line – especially when it comes to underarms, a very sensitive area.

        To me it looks like miraDry’s pain isn’t all that unusual. And you only have to go through it once! To me it seems healthier & in the long run less painful than Botox.

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        Genesis on #4328

        Initially, you will feel a little stinging from the injections. Once the area is numb, the treatment is fairly comfortable, although you may occasionally feel a warm area or “hot spot” during treatment.

        We typically first apply icepacks prior to injecting local anesthesia (lidocaine). Thus one typically experiences tiny pinches as similar to skin biopsies. On seldom occasions, one may experience rare moments of deep achy sensation.

        I have personally treated almost 50 patients to date using the MiraDry system. Most patients have described the discomfort during the procedure as a score of 1, 2 or 3 (ie. mild discomfort) on a pain scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest). A very small fraction of patients (<10%) called the procedure very uncomfortable. Although the treatment is very new, most patients have been very satisfied with the results of their treatments so far.

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        Mina on #4431

        One side effect of MiraDry to expect is some degree of soreness and swelling. This usually clears within a week, but can last a few weeks. Normal over the counter medications that you would typically use for discomfort (Advil, Ibuprofen, etc.) can be used as directed.

        What’s the alternative solution? Lots of Ice. Patients who are diligent about applying their post-procedure ice packs regularly have a markedly better experience with regards to this miraDry side effect. Simply freeze water bottles, wrap in a moistened paper towel and hold them under your arms. You can conceal this fairly easily under a shirt, jacket, or wrap and nobody will even know!

        The pain isn’t excruciating, but think of it as a really bad sunburn type of pain. And it can be avoided (or certainly drastically minimized) with ice. Most patients follow the protocol of putting ice on diligently for the first day and then being quick to apply at any signs of heat.

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        Dana on #4447

        Lucas, a lot of study has already been done on the best and safest way to use miraDry to treat armpit sweating. A new protocol has been developed that changes the way local anesthetic is used for the procedure. The same type of local anesthesia used in liposuction is now commonly used for miraDry.

        It uses dilute lidocaine (the anesthetic) in a large volume injected under the skin of the armpit. It serves as a cushion between the sweat glands and underlying nerves. This results in a very comfortable procedure with very low risk of injuring underlying nerves. The effectiveness of the treatment is increased because higher energies can be used with more safety.

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        Sally on #4477

        Hello everyone,

        Thank you for sharing your experiences. I just have some questions, and I hope I can get positive answers as soon as possible.

        How long the swelling remains? I had my first procedure last week. It was quite uncomfortable. During the procedure there was one point of intense pain. Now, I’m not sweating, but there is swelling like a cushions and a little pain like a shock, especially when I lift my arms. Also my left arm still has numbness on the inside from the top of the armpit to almost the elbow. Is it normal?

        Please advise.



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        rever on #4702

        I had my first Miradry procedure done three months ago and until now my left arm still has numbness on the inside from the top of the armpit to almost the elbow. It sometimes feels like needles sticking me, it feels like it was stucked in there. There also still seems to be a knot at the top if my armpit where the numbness starts. I feel like there are some nerves damage. Is this normal and if it is how long should it last? I was scheduled for my second procedure in two days but cancelled because this is not getting better.

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          Maaike on #5158

          I also have pain that doesn’t seem to go away. I had the treatment done 7 months ago. I recognize the pain you describe. No one seems to know what to do. Not my doctor or the person who gave me the treatment. If you find out what causes the pain or you find any resolution please let me know. Or even just what causes the pain would be nice to know at this point….

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          Mia on #7192

          I also have pain in only my left arm. It has been 1.5 months. This is my second miradry procedure.

          My first procedure, I was able to return to work in 5 days. I was able to fully lift my arms in 1.5 weeks.

          After my second procedure, I still cannot lift my left arm fully. I feel a tight pull like something is going to rip if I lift it up too far. The inside of my left bicep burns like when you do the splits with your legs and the insides of your thighs burn. The burn doesn’t stop for hours.

          I do yoga, so I am stretching it in a hot room by laying my arms in a “cactus” position. My armpit still hurts and the sensation radiates all the way to my elbow. I believe stretching it and performing “puppy pose” and “child’s post” helps. Youtube it. Yoga might be the key to helping us because it is alleviating a lot of the discomfort for me already, but do it very very slowly.

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        casper on #6541

        hello everyone,

        MiraDry is the only “minimally invasive treatment that can safely and effectively destroy the sweat glands to offer the patient permanent and significant reduction in sweating with hair removal thrown in.” In clinical data from the University of British Columbia showed that MiraDry was successful in reducing underarm sweat in over 90 percent of patients with a reported average sweat reduction of 82 percent. Though a second MiraDry treatment could deliver optimal results, I’ve decided not to get it—I just don’t want to go through the discomfort again.But my friend try this kind of treatment,A week after the procedure, she was still feeling really uncomfortable and, well, weird: There were a couple of lumps under her arms along with some shooting pains in the area that lasted for about three weeks.

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        Jackie on #7311

        I felt no pain on my first and second procedure. I needed to undergone third and that was two days ago. I am feeling slight pain today, I cannot lift my arms. Yesterday, I felt numbness but today it really hurts. Anyone experienced the same?

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        Julie on #8071

        I got MiraDry at around $1,500. I got about 10 injections under each arm. Luckily, I only felt the first few needles on each side, after which, the area became numb. The pricks were, by far, the worst part.

        The rest of the procedure took about 45 minutes. I felt absolutely nothing. Once the treatment was done, I was given ice packs to apply for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for the next day or two. And although I felt fine, I was told to get ahead of the pain by taking two ibuprofen every six hours for the first day, then as needed.

        A week after the procedure, I was feeling really uncomfortable and, well, weird: There were a couple of lumps under my arms along with some shooting pains in the area that lasted for about three weeks.

        Although a second MiraDry treatment could deliver optimal results, I’ve decided not to get it—I just don’t want to go through the discomfort again.

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        Charie Ng on #8178

        I had the procedure last year and while not really painful, the swelling of the armpits was quite uncomfortable and I also had quite a lot of bruising. It felt very strange and uncomfortable, and made me a bit grumpy. I had my arms out at 30 degrees for about the first four days.

        For the effectiveness, I immediately noticed less sweating. Now I am looking forward to being able to purchase clothes that are tight under the armpits, which I wouldn’t normally. It took me about three weeks for armpits to return to normal but the sweating had stopped completely by then.

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        Amy Paul on #8399

        I had the treatment three months ago and it went well, the pain in the procedure itself is tolerable. But now there is a sharp pain and burning sensation in my right armpit after. There seems to be very tiny blisters too. Is this normal? Will this go away? Should I see a derma?

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        Davis Jone on #8500

        I also had hyperhidrosis and it really made me had a low self-esteem. Searched for the cure and spent thousands of dollars until I tried MiraDry. I got a slight discomfort when I went through the MiraDry procedure but it was tolerable, other than that, I haven’t got any side effects up to this day. Well, just redness on the area that lasted for three days. I had the procedure last year Mid August. I also have not gone to the second procedure as I feel I do not need it anymore. I am sweat free now. Thanks to Miradry.

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        Olivia on #9068

        I received the MiraDry treatment about 7 weeks ago and although sweating and odour has greatly reduced, I still remain to have pain of which has spread right down one of my arms, having pins and needles in my fingers- very uncomfortable. I still have not decided whether this treatment was worth the money for the pain I have been through. But make sure you are able to have at least a week of downtime after having this treatment if you are to go through with it. I feel like the downtime required and pain suffered was downplayed.

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        Amanda Kiefer on #9666

        I had Miradry a month ago today. I still have some serious huge lumps under my arms, tightness and numbness but it certainly seems to have worked, I’d say I have an 80-90% reduction in underarm sweat. Now if they could only do this to my dripping hands and feet!!
        I hear the lumps eventually go away. It was quite sore afterward and my upper arms were puffy, like inches larger in diameter for at least a week. I got some SCARY level of bruising on one arm, it extended all the way PAST my elbow, but the bruising part didn’t hurt. All in all not a painless, easy recovery, but to be able to wear silk shirts? Pretty cool!

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        Suzanne Lee on #12878

        In most cases, patients who undergo MiraDry treatment should take the rest of the day off. There will be slight discomfort and swelling after the procedure. While discomfort will diminish within the first few days, swelling can stay for several weeks.

        Try applying ice or cold compresses under the arms to control inflammation. Taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can help with this as well.

        It is not uncommon to experience numbness in the treatment areas for several hours after the procedure. In some cases, this numbness can also affect the arms. This should eventually diminish.

        Most patients notice an instantaneous reduction in underarm sweat.

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        Christian on #23233

        How long time the swelling remans? I had my first procedure last week. Now, I’m not sweating, but there is swelling like a cushions and a little pain like a shock, principally when I lift my arms. Is it normal?

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        Mickay on #24392

        I have experience swelling and mild pain after miraDry treatment. It lasted several days.

        I put an ice on the affected area using an ice pack. I wrapped it in a thin cloth to avoid frostbite. I put it on about 20 minutes then rest for an hour then another 20 minutes.

        I am a member of a facebook group for people who undergo Miradry treatment and other side effects they mentioned there are soreness, swelling, temporary change in sensation, sensitivity, redness, bruising, bumps under the skin, or darkening of the skin. These side effects are temporary and typically go away within a few weeks.

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        Brendan Young on #24701

        miraDry treatments should not hurt because the underarm area is treated with a local anesthetic before the procedure begins. This preparation ensures that patients are comfortable and don’t feel anything throughout their treatment. Those that do say it feels like a mild warming and tingling sensation at the targeted site.

        MiraDry instantly kills overactive sweat glands, that is why patients notice an immediate difference after their first miraDry procedure. This can be life-changing for patients with hyperhidrosis, as you can immediately start wearing your favorite shirts and dresses without worrying about pit stains or having to constantly change your clothing.

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        Grace Anderson on #24865

        Anesthesia will be injected to ensure Patient’s comfort during the treatment. You will feel no Pain during the entire procedure / treatment. However, there are several side effects after the treatment such as soreness, bumps under the skin, redness, swelling , you can feel mild pain. Underarms could be tender for up to 2 weeks as they heal from the procedure. These are completely normal side effects after the treatment and will typically go away within few weeks. Though, side effects may vary from person to person.
        There are things a patient will be advised “not to do” after the treatment to avoid any infection. Do not shave your underarm after the treatment, Do not use any Antiperspirant or Deodorant, Avoid hut tubs or hot showers. Avoid going to the beaches, rivers or lakes.

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        Imee Davis on #25180

        Miradry is quite expensive, but sure it delivers it’s promise results.
        I only did 1 session and I did not sweat in my armpits for two months from the day I had it done.
        The sweating returned after two months, but the amount wasn’t the same as before I did Miradry. Basically, sweating reduced by 60%. Armpit hair reduced, but nothing much has changed when it comes to my underarm odor. It is still the same.
        Though I have experienced swelling in my armpits right after I did the first session. It was so painful. I could not put my arms down. I had to raise my arms the entire time even when I go to sleep. I was like these for two days.

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        James on #28506

        I didn’t experience any pain after miradry at all. So I think it depends on individuals’ pain tolerance.

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