My RA Fischer MD-2 unit came on April 15 and have been doing every other day treatments since. I’m currently on treatment 26 and I have noticed an improvement in reducing sweating, but I can’t hold nor shake someone’s hand without worrying about my sweat. I’ve been contacting the R.A. Fischer company and after 15 treatments of 20 minute 15.0 ma (auto-reverse polarity) they recommended me to do 30 minute treatments with 20.0 ma until now. They told me I should try to put Robinul in the water for my treatments? Does anyone have experience with Robinul+ an RA unit? Or should I continue using the unit or conclude that the unit won’t make me sweat-free?
Ra Fishcer MD-2 device with Robinul?
I think you should continue using the unit if you noticed at least some improvement. Some people need longer to get the best iontophoresis results, so it’s possible that you could still reap better results from this hyperhidrosis treatment.
Have you tried doing as R.A. Fischer support recommended, and increase the mA to 20 and the treatment time to 30 minutes? Some of the iontophoresis reviews recommend experimenting with different settings to achieve the best results. If that fails to improve things, you can for instance try adding baking soda into the water – because sometime the water quality affects the efficiency of iontophoresis.
Do you feel tingling during treatments? If your iontophoresis feels super smooth and you don’t feel a single thing, then it’s possible that your settings are not high enough. However, iontophoresis should never be notably unpleasant or painful! (So be careful there.)
And, lastly, if you do try adding Robinul to water, the recommended dose would be 500 mg per tray when there is 1 litre of water per tray (= 0.05% concentration). I don’t have any personal experience with this, so let’s wait for someone else to hopefully add more insight. 🙂
And I wanted to ask – are you only using iontophoresis for sweaty hands? (Which I concluded from the sweaty hands in handshakes that you mention) Or do you also use the device for your feet?
Yeah, I put my setting to 20 m.a and 30 minute treatments, but I haven’t since a significant improvement since the first 10 treatments or so, if any improvement at all. How many treatments do you suggest I try with baking soda? And at the same settings I’ve been using? And yeah, I also use this device for my feet
I would say, half a gram of baking soda per tray (cca 850 ml), and you’re probably safer changing the water for the new (that is, feet) treatment. Also, try not to use too much water – the water level in iontophoresis should be just high enough to cover the affected areas of your sweaty hands and feet – this is also why it is often good to change water from one treatment to another.
ALSO: be careful with the baking soda! It increases the power of the current, so if you overdo it, it could burn your hands a bit. Best to increase the amount gradually, until you find your comfort zone.
If you decide to quit iontophoresis, you can always look for a different kind of hyperhidrosis treatment… There are some good articles on the website here that could help you pick one, and of course feel free to ask anything! 🙂
You should try different mA settings for hands and for feet – the important bit is that you need to feel a small tingling during iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis, because that’s often a sign that the treatment is working. (But you should never feel pain!)
Iontophoresis is really a hyperhidrosis treatment that needs some fine tuning. Not everyone has the same quality of tap water, or the same skin resistance, etc. So, there are no simple instructions regarding the settings. It’s true that you might belong to the unlucky few who fail to get the best results with iontophoresis, but I would advise you to keep at it, experiment and be patient as long as you have the will to do so.
Good luck!
Elena, I’ve always put in 1 liter of water into both trays, but never changed the water when I did my feet afterwards. I’ll change the water from now on, thanks!
Leons, I do feel pain and notice my hands try to get out of the water during the session, especially my thumb. I really don’t mind the pain if it helps me, but could it actually be hurting my results or not even making a difference compared to lower mA setting?
Majority of the time it’s only my thumb feeling pain, but I do have the habit of biting my nails so that could be the problem right there. I seem to be pain-free at 15.0 m.a. I will try Robinul in a few treatments if I don’t notice any improvement with baking soda
Okay Jonathan, I hope that will help you to have a more effective iontophoresis, and I’m sorry if it doesn’t – that will mean that the issue lies with something else.
And I don’t think that pain should be a good sign during iontophoresis for sweaty hands – or feet for that matter. But really, it depends on the pain location: if it only hurts in specific places, you should check your skin for scratches or something, and apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly to these spots prior to your treatment.
However if it hurts on a wider area, it could mean that you should lower the mA. What’s your standard pain tolerance? If it is low, maybe that’s why you feel pain during your hyperhidrosis treatment…