Shorter haircut = less head sweating?

Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

      • Participant
        Jenny-Dale on #1112

        A friend of mine (who to be fair, wasn’t being malicious but was actually trying to help) came up with a “brilliant” idea: she believes my excessive head sweating will be reduced if I cut off my hair. My hair is currently below shoulder length and her idea is to cut it to a playful boyish short haircut. Emphasis on short. 🙄

        I had already sacrificed my precious bangs years ago, as soon as my head sweating started, and the idea of cutting my hair short is awful. However… losing bangs helped me reduce sweating on my forehead, and now I wonder if my friend is right and a shorter hairdo could really help me stop sweating on my head. Any suggestions? 😐

      • Participant
        Olivia-Morden on #1124

        I wouldn’t do it if I was you. If your hair is thick, you would need to cut it really, really short to make a big impact. And then keep it that way. Is it really worth it?

        I feel your troubles since I also suffer from head sweating, and yes, my head really gets hot underneath the hair. You need to think about your priorities. I think the best solution is to keep your hair up on hot days, so that your neck can cool off. It’s proven that neck’s temperature affects how hot or cold we feel in general, so having a cool back of your neck will reduce your sweating more than a cool head.

      • Guest
        Marie Muldowney on #3067

        Yes it’s really true.

      • Guest
        Grace on #7516

        I have found it to be the other way around. M My hair was to my hips. My head never sweat sweat. I cut my hair in a pixie cut.Now my head sweats to where my hair gets wet.

        • Guest
          Liz on #8410

          I agree with this.

          I wear my hair very short as well, and often think it might be better to grow my hair out. The reason for this is that my short hair get soaked in minutes, looking like I just got out of a shower without towel drying. Longer hair may wick away sweat better, as it takes longer to get saturated in sweat.

          I found this thread in a google search, and was happy to see a comment confirming my hypothesis.

          I am curious if OP ended up going short, and if it made a difference.


          Thank you

      • Guest
        Sylvia on #8479

        I don’t totally agree. Although I have very short hair, I still have excessive sweating that results to wet hair during workouts. This gave me severe headache and discomfort after.

        I suggest you always bath in little warm water and drink only warm water. Also avoid using hats. as hats can trap the head and cause a warm and unpleasant environment. This also does not allow the air to circulate and keeps the bacteria and odour trapped around your head.  Finally, regular meditation or yoga can help you to stay calm and relaxed to prevent anxiety and stress related sweating.

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