Sweat Cost Calculator on miraDry Website

Posted In: MiraDry Forum

      • Participant
        Mary-Jane-Thompson on #1649

        This is scary!!

        I’m thinking about undergoing a miraDry procedure for my underarm sweating. And, while surfing on their website, I found this simple, and yet telling “sweat cost calculator”.

        It’s upsetting to see the costs summed up like that. And, keep in mind that I already have a Hidrex iontophoresis device – I did not even include the cost of that. Even with reduced expenses (thanks to iontophoresis), I still spend hundreds of dollars per year on antiperspirants, clothes, doctor’s appointments and vitamins… 🙁

        What’s your sweat cost? Were you surprised to see the total, or are your finances well under control?

        My conclusion is that Hidrex definitely reduced my expenses, and that likewise, undergoing a miraDry procedure should also reduce hyperhidrosis expenses in the long run. Still, excessive sweating is an expensive condition. 🙁

      • Guest
        solomon on #6723

        I understand that there are quite a few people (mostly girls) who have been discussing how horrible their sweating has become. Like many, I am 13 and female as well. I have been dealing with severe sweating issues ever since age 9 or 10. I have tried it all, men’s deodorant, women’s deodorant, (all antiperspirant, mind you), natural deodorant, extreme deodorant (around 20% antiperspirant), multiple deodorant at a time, and it is truly getting ridiculous. Over the years, we have probably tried around 15 different types of deodorant. It has gotten so bad that I would have circles of sweat underneath my arms, and one guy in my grade even asked me what it was. This is going to sound incredibly cliché; however, I truly need some natural remedies to stop the trauma. (I also know that many have mentioned botox, and unfortunately, that is not exactly tangible in this day and age due to the horrendous economy.)

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