This is scary!!
I’m thinking about undergoing a miraDry procedure for my underarm sweating. And, while surfing on their website, I found this simple, and yet telling “sweat cost calculator”.
It’s upsetting to see the costs summed up like that. And, keep in mind that I already have a Hidrex iontophoresis device – I did not even include the cost of that. Even with reduced expenses (thanks to iontophoresis), I still spend hundreds of dollars per year on antiperspirants, clothes, doctor’s appointments and vitamins… 🙁
What’s your sweat cost? Were you surprised to see the total, or are your finances well under control?
My conclusion is that Hidrex definitely reduced my expenses, and that likewise, undergoing a miraDry procedure should also reduce hyperhidrosis expenses in the long run. Still, excessive sweating is an expensive condition. 🙁