Sweating got even worse after ETS

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        Lana So on #8772

        I am a 36-year-old woman and I feel totally out of place. I had excessive sweating on my hands and feet and I undergone ETS surgery. Immediately after the surgery, while I was still in the hospital bed, I awakened to a sweaty butt, back, and legs. My doctor said it was compensatory sweating and that it would go away. HE also stated the nerve should regenerate itself and the compensatory sweating would stop.

        It has been more than three years and in that time I have totally removed myself from everyone. I can’t speak or even stand up in front of a crowd because my clothes get soaked. This condition gives me great depression. I cannot wear shorts or light-colored shirts. I don’t even date. Every time I do, the young men always ask me ‘What is wrong?’ and ‘Why are your clothes wet? I cry and cover up a lot. I need help.

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        Pablo Gomez on #8837

        It really sad to hear such story. Yes, I think that is compensatory sweating and sad to say, it cannot be reversed, it would not stop. I knew because I have been there and experienced that effect of ETS. It is the most likely side effect associated with the surgery and its effects are so bad I can say that it is worse than the original condition. I also had anxiety. For now I am just avoiding triggers that I know will make my sweating worse, such as spicy foods and alcohol, and I am using antiperspirant often than usual.

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        Steven on #9304

        Have you tried anticholinergics? It is an oral medication used to treat hyperhidrosis and now treating compensatory sweating. These drugs have a systemic effect which is desirable when treating a condition that affects multiple areas of the body like compensatory sweating does. They do have side effects, like dry mouth, among others.

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        Joshua Powell on #27539

        Hello! My Hyperhidrosis is genetic since it seems to runs in the family as few of us have it. It began when I was a teenager and caused embarrassment for many years. I have tried everything that was available and affordable at that time to relieve my Hyperhidrosis. Botox wasn’t in my option not only because of how painful and expensive it was, but the effects would only last for about six months. My doctor suggested ETS. I had surgery over two decades ago for my hands, when ETS was considered experimental at that time. Over the years I started to sweat more overall on my body, so I have some compensatory sweating. But unlike before I had ETS, when I started sweating in the morning I would still sweat until at night. Now I can be able to get a chance to be dry again during the day. I can sort of push the reset button by changing taking a shower, changing clothes or taking a nap. None of these were helpful before.

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