I’m 16 years old and I have severe hyperhidrosis, mainly in my hands and feet, but for me it’s not my feet that are the problem.
My mother told me that when I was a baby, I sweater so much that a rotted all the fabric on my baby seat, and to be honest my sweating hasn’t really gotten any better since then.
My hands swear I’d say 90-95% of the time, and often they sweat so much that they actually drop.
I’m extremely self conscious, so it doesn’t help when my brothers think it’s funny to show me up!
But this makes school particularly hard.
I love writing and drawing, but my hands sweat so much that they soak the paper and dilute or smudge the ink or pencil.
I have to say that I spilt water on my page by accident.
Thank God we wear a dark uniform, because I’m constantly having to try and dry my hands on my trousers.
I’m missing school today because we’re doing a dance which requires holding hands, and I just can’t bear the idea of being so ashamed when people give me funny looks or dry their hands after touching me.
I can’t bear shaking hands with people, and try to avoid it at all costs.
My sweating has even stopped me from wearing clothes I love, or bring in mugs of tea for people because I can’t grip the handle properly my hands are so soaking.
Just writing this has made my hands start sweating and I keep having to dry my keyboard.
I’m trying an iontophoresis machine my mum and dad made with two metal (aluminium?) trays, crocodile clips and a big battery.
I try to use it regularly, but it’s hard to because I either often forget to or I’m scared to because very often it’s sore or gives me electric shocks!
And one time I accidentally let the trays touch and it burnt the carpet a bit!
Is it worth investing in a proper machine?
Antiperspirants done work on my hands, and I really really don’t want to get botox.
Please, any advice or tips are welcome.
I have a few jobs I’d like to do in mind, but I can’t dream of doing them if my hands are like this.