I used sweat-proof undershirts

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        Justin on #4941

        I sweat a lot since I was a teenager. I get some sweat stains under my pits, which doesn’t look great on a shirt.

        A good anti-perspirant will get me through most of the day but there are always times when I just start sweating. Maybe it’s because of a stressful day, office temperature never matching mother-nature, running between meetings, and so on.

        Then I heard of some sweat-proof undershirts on a site I discovered. I read some reviews for a brand called SweatShield and placed an order online. An order for five shirts for $100 including shipping. Five shirts should get me through a work week.

        The shirts are a little weird though. They have a large section underneath the armpit that is a thick pad versus the rest of the shirt that is a thinner, stretchy fabric. It’s kind of like having a maxi-pad under each arm, a little bulky. It isn’t always extremely noticeable, but if you really look close you might notice the slight puffy effect of your undershirt. If a woman uses this shirt it can be awkward if someone goes in for a hug, because they may feel the padding under the arms.

        I liked how the stretchy fabric of the rest of the shirt was form fitting and didn’t bunch up around my waist. Bunching often makes the gut I’ve been desperately trying to work off for the past year look like it has a few extra inches than it really does.

        I’ve been wearing these shirts for the better part of five months now and I can say they hold up in all situations without a drop of sweat. I’ve worn them with suits and under a dress shirt/sweater combo and no sweat escapes those pockets.

        This product works really well for blocking sweat rings under my arms.

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        Shirley on #5225

        I bought SweatShield Medium for my husband at first, but it was a bit to large. This time, we bought the Small. He usually wear small in brands like CK, Guess, etc. SweatShield works very well. The arm padding is not too thick to make you uncomfortable or show, and neither to thin to be ineffective. Definitely saves his shirts from sweat and deodorant marks.

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        Ben7821 on #5519

        Hmmm, SweatShield is not as comfortable as I thought it would be but it definitely keeps the sweat from penetrating all the way through to the outer portion of the pads. It seems to absorb sweat well. The pads must have some sort of liner that keeps the moisture from reaching the outer surface and wetting your dress shirt. Even after 12 hours, no sweat through. I didn’t believe it when I read it at first. Bought two pieces first, but now I own seven, for a week’s use.

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        tommy on #6416

        I have had the problem of sweaty armpits for at least a year now. It makes it really difficult in my everyday life. I feel really embarrassed about it and often find myself wearing black which is depressing because i am a naturally bubbly person. I know i need to go to the doctors but i am worried about what the cause of it might be. The only thing that works for me is the Thompson tee undershirt. At last something had completely helped me to avoid being sweaty from time to time. I sweat less than I ever experienced before.

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        matias on #6415

        I was always asking myself why I sweat a lot. A problem does always have a solution. And wearing the ItsDri undershirt is my best solution in my excessive sweats in my body. It makes me safe and comfortable which is really keeping me calm and happy. I did purchased this product it is totally effective. I see the improvement in a day I feel so dry as always and never been dismayed that I used this undershirt.
        Must try this …..Thanks

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        bradley on #6715

        I have really sweaty underarms all the time, I hate it. I’ll just be at school, when I realize my whole underarm is wet, and then I get conscious and keep my arms by my side because I am so worried anyone will see. I haven’t tried any methods or deodorants, I only use either Rexona. It’s a big problem for me, as I have to wear the school uniform every day, and don’t get to choose what type of clothes I wear. It makes me really depressed. I always seem to smell, and it grosses me out, I even have to bring my deodorant to school every day and spray myself at least 5 times in the day. Any suggestions, I’m sick of the sweating.

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        xtianddd on #7977

        I saw Thompson Tee undershirt on shark tank and had to try it. It actually works and is worth every penny. As expected, its armpit area is a little thick, but you get used to it. I no longer have to worry about pit stains with dress shirts or what color of shirt to wear. I can even wear with grey and not have armpit wetness showing though.

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