I have a question for the community here.
Ever since reading a lot about the potential health-damaging properties of aluminum salts, I wanted to stop using antiperspirants with aluminum. This is very difficult, because whatever shop I looked in, it turned out that every antiperspirant has aluminum.
If it was aluminum-free, it was called deodorant, and had near zero sweat-stopping power. Luckily, with iontophoresis, the excessive sweat in my underarms is not so terrible, so I think I still stand a good chance of getting by with aluminum-free deodorants. I don’t need the deodorant to treat sweaty hands or anything like that – I am successfully using iontophoresis for sweaty hands – so this deodorant would be strictly for underarms.
What is the best aluminum-free deodorant? Is anyone here even using these things, or are you all strictly on clinical antiperspirants? (That’s the impression I got from lurking on this website.) 🙂
Thanx in advance and cya around!