Which units does Aetna cover?

Posted In: Iontophoresis Forum

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        Dora on #5908

        I have Aetna’s HMO, which supposedly covers iontophoresis machines. My dr. wrote a prescription for a Fischer unit and Fischer has told me their units are not covered because they are out of network. I called Aetna to find out which unit they will cover and all they want to do is e-mail me lists of medical equipment distributors. I don’t know where to go next. Does anyone know which units Aetna will cover? They are not being helpful, to say the least.

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        Luke Insia on #5971

        At the age of 18, having suffered the embarrassment of wet hands and feet for some time. I went to the doctor’s and I was diagnosed with hyperhidrosis. I tried many things. I researched about the IontophoresisMachine, read all about it, thought it was bit too expensive. It was compact, easy to use, and very importantly, pain free! I followed the protocol as per instructions, and after only 3 sessions. Now my hands and feet are always dry and pleasant to touch. Im definitely happy, and a lot more confident.

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