Hi, I have been suffering from Hyperhydrosis in my palms and feet sole since I was born for next 36 years until last week. I underwent several treatment time to time like applying some Aluminium chloride solution etc – but nothing worked !
Finally, on my Doctor’s recommendation I used Daaviln’s Aquex Iontophoresis machine — Wow ! and It treated my all time sweaty palms and feet soles within 2-3 weeks. I can’t tell people how happy I am because this was a great inconvenience for me while shaking hands in interviews, unlocking my iphone through touch ID… but now I can do this all. And good thing was that this machine was 100% covered by my insurance. I had Kaiser insurance in case someone wanted to know.
Overall, I can’t tell how glad I am getting rid off this excess palm and sole sweating !! Wish you all the best guys in case you too looking to treat this. In case you need any other info on this treatment option, shoot me an email at [email protected]
Anshul Saxena