Kate Punivai

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Posted In: Kate Punivai

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        kate.punivai on #1521

        To all those who clicked on the link I posted above, I would like to apologize. I had some troubles with the platform I was using, and the book is now available exclusively through Amazon/Kindle store. You can find it here: http://www.amazon.com/How-Cured-Embarassing-Sweating-Problem-ebook/dp/B00GG2PH1S It does cost a little bit more this way though. ($10.99 in the US store)
        Yes Elena, that’s exactly what it’s about – curing the general imbalance in the body. I truly believe that excessive sweating is our bodies cry for help. Trying to mask or suppress the sweat is not going to heal the body. The body has it’s own innate wisdom, and it is designed to be in balance. Any time that things are out of balance internally, the body sets about creating symptoms to bring it back into balance. Such is the case with sweating. Our body is trying desperately to cleanse itself, (and we do our best to stop it, by using antiperspirants etc). Crazy right?! I really believe I’ve hit upon something that has the potential to help and heal a lot of people, and if anybody does read the book, I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback. You are welcome to email me at: [email protected]

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        kate.punivai on #1504

        Hi Twinkle,
        I suffered from excessive sweating for 10 years (underarm) and finally healed my problem after radically changing my diet. I no longer use antiperspirants or any special product. I recently wrote an ebook about my story, and the changes I made to my diet and lifestyle. It’s available at http://www.katepunivai.net/products.html Yes, it costs’ $5.99USD, because I spent 6 months of my life writing and perfecting it. If you contact me personally, I’d be happy to email you a free copy, in return for your comments and feedback. Personally, I was tired of all the “solutions” being offered which involved a lifetime of being slathered in antiperspirants, or having surgery or botox injections, and I think my book actually offers people a way to HEAL their problem, rather than covering it up for the rest of their life.

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