All-purpose Antiperspirants

      • Participant
        Olivia-Morden on #997

        I was looking for an antiperspirant topic and only found one “for men”, so here we go… All-purpose antiperspirants: for men, for women, for underarm sweating, for head sweating… Let’s talk about how to reduce sweating with antiperspirants on all critical body areas (and not just underarms!)

        For me, it’s important that they are effective, not irritating or hurting my skin, not leaving any stains… You get the picture. I’m talking about the quest for the perfect all-purpose antiperspirant.

        (I’ve even tried lemon and baking soda, to taking a break from aluminum… but I only dared to rub baking soda on my armpits. Seems too harsh to use on the face.)

        • This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by .
      • Participant
        Twinkle-Star on #1003

        I use Driclor Roll On for Women on my armpits and sometimes on my hands. I have no idea how it’s different from Driclor for Men lol. 😆
        Does baking soda really help you stop underarm sweating? I read about it but somehow it seems too easy or too good to be true. Then again, baking soda seems to be good for a lot of things… It’s like some kind of miracle powder lol. :mrgreen:

      • Participant
        Jenny-Dale on #1006

        Sweat Block Wipes are my favorite method of dealing with head sweating – well, facial sweating, to be more specific. It’s no too strong/aggressive and still effectively prevents profuse sweating, and wipes are frankly way more practical than a roll-on to use on my face. 🙄

        The bad side: My skin can get sensitive, dry and irritated at times. However, a good face cream can keep this in check.

      • Participant
        Sean-M. on #1008

        I don’t have a big case of plantar hyperhidrosis, but I use Odaban spray on my feet when I can’t afford to wear light shoes. Normally I use the same spray to treat sweaty armpits, but yes, a lot of these antiperspirants are multi-functional. Still, I’m surprised they can even be used to prevent facial sweating – that’s cool! 🙂

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