
Posted In: Hyperhidrosis Forum

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        Steve on #1236

        Here's a topic where we can rant about bromihidrosis. :/

        For those who don't know, Bromihidrosis = excessive body odor. Sometimes this is caused by hyperhidrosis, a.k.a excessive sweating, and I wonder if anyone here suffers from the bromihidrosis & hyperhidrosis combination…
        I can tell you this is very difficult and makes excessive perspiration a much more stressful experience… Bromihidrosis is rarely an issue with sweaty palms, but easily occurs with sweaty feet or sweaty armpits.
        The latter is my problem – and one of the reasons why I spent years frantically trying to find out how to stop armpit sweating…

        Thankfully, antiperspirants and perfumed spray deodorants help, but the underlying stress and worry about the odor still remain…

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