My excessive sweat is not so bad recently! I guess my glands got shy, heh. 😀
I tried combining a lot of milder treatments, from special nutrients to antiperspirants, and I am not sure what worked actually, but I feel better! It is possible that this is not due to a particular hyperhidrosis treatment, but is instead simply the case because I feel a little better, a little less anxious lately. 🙂
I know that this good mood won’t last, so I wanted to document it in a way. 😉 I also thought we could use a forum thread where we can share our good experiences: any improvement in our quests to get rid of excessive sweat, or any good changes we might notice in our hyperhidrosis.
I hope this lucky spell will last at least for a couple of weeks… Life feels so much better when I sweat less. No constantly sweaty hands, no constantly sweaty feet… Awesome! 🙂