Iotoderma id-1000 basics where can I buy??

Posted In: Iontophoresis Forum

      • Guest
        Rj on #5191

        Can someone please tell me if this machine will ever be available in Canada again? It’s the only one I am comfortable paying for considering the fact that it’s helped a lot of people cure/manage their palmer and feet hyperhydrosis. Any info will be truly appreciated.

      • Keymaster
        [email protected] on #5194

        Hi RJ,

        As per the manufacturers, the Iontoderma machines are not available in US or Canada (and some other countries). I suspect the reason is regulations and compliances, and with things like that, I won’t wait for Iontoderma to become available again anytime soon.

        You may want to explore ebay, or other second hand markets (this website sometimes has posts from people wanting to sell their machines), or you may look for other machines. Hidrex has cheaper machines that are in $600 range – not as cheap as Iontoderma, but still cheaper than others.

        Lastly, you can build your own machine as per the instructions given on this website and some others. I do not recommend that option though.


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